Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Overdaad schaadt

Pleidooi voor een verlichte consumptiedruk

Trefwoorden Consumer society, Excess consumption, Consumer culture, Green criminology, Corona crisis
Auteurs Dr. Hans Dagevos

Dr. Hans Dagevos
Hans Dagevos is consumptiesocioloog en als senior scientist verbonden aan Wageningen University & Research.
  • Samenvatting

      The lifeblood of contemporary consumer capitalism is ever-growing and accelerating human needs for new consumer goods and services. Needs that remain unsatisfied on the one hand but defy the carrying capacity of planet Earth on the other. Anything but a win-win situation. Although excess harms, the infrastructure of consumption pays full service to perpetuate and cultivate the ‘more and faster’ orientation of today’s consumers. It is believed that we can cope with excess by taking efficiency measures and paying attention to recycling and refurbishing. This article, however, points out that there is need to rethink consumption and reconsider prevalent orientations dedicated to excess consumption more fundamentally.

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