Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


De vechter en de bierkaai

Kickboksbiografie in context

Trefwoorden kickboxing, criminal and sporting career, biography in context
Auteurs Dr. Frank van Gemert

Dr. Frank van Gemert
Dr. Frank van Gemert is universitair docent bij de afdeling criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Hesdy Gerges is a heavyweight kickboxer whose career was interrupted because of his involvement in an cocaine transport. This article is analyzes the biography of this top fighter, describing the macro context of an expanding market for full-contact martial arts, the meso level of the gym and its relation to the criminal milieu, and the fighter and his body on the micro level. Hesdy is used to set an example, and since it takes more than seven years to reach a verdict, the impact on his private life and his career as a fighter is large. The study is based on participant observation and 33 interviews, twenty of which with the protagonist.

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