Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Double Big Mac

Evidence-based policing en McDonaldisering

Trefwoorden politie, evidence-based policing, McDonaldisation
Auteurs Jan Terpstra

Jan Terpstra
Jan Terpstra is emeritus hoogleraar criminologie aan de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen en fellow Politiestudies aan de Universiteit Leiden (campus Den Haag). Jan.terpstra@ru.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This paper focusses on the central position of evidence-based policing (EBP) both in the police, and in police science over the past 25 years. In his paper he shows that this can be seen as a double process of McDonaldization. The four core elements as distinguished by Ritzer can be found both in EBP police research, and in EBP tries to have an impact on police work and police profession. In both cases a central assumption is that context and differences in context can be ignored. However, both are based upon a misunderstanding of the importance of the ‘human factor’. For that reason, both may result in what Ritzer has called dehumanization and irrationalities.

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