Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


‘Is daar nog werk voor zakkenrollers?’

Over mobiele bendes en de betekenis van criminaliteit

Trefwoorden mobile banditry, property crime, organized crime, Itinerant criminal groups, crossing border crime
Auteurs Dr. Barbra van Gestel

Dr. Barbra van Gestel
Dr. B. van Gestel is socioloog en als onderzoeker werkzaam voor het WODC.
  • Samenvatting

      This article focuses on mobile organized criminal groups that travel through Europe and commit a broad range of property crimes. The study aims to explore the perspective of individual group members. Information was gathered from fifteen criminal investigations that were carried out in the Netherlands in recent years (2013-2016). The study shows that members of these crime groups view their criminal activities primarily as ‘work’. It is work that is characterized by conflicts and consensus. Conflicts often have to do with the stolen loot and reveal disagreement about leadership, rules and obedience. Rows and threats of violence go along with feelings of fear and distrust. At the same time gang members belong to an international deviant community with a shared common way of life and feelings of togetherness. Performing within this international community gives the possibility to attain social status and to express success and richness. These contractive emotions and symbolic meanings characterize the everyday life of gang members and motivates their daily practices.

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