Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Vechten op afspraak

Verklaringen voor georganiseerde vormen van groepsgeweld

Trefwoorden collective, violence, hooliganism, organized confrontations, group dynamics
Auteurs Drs. Tom van Ham

Drs. Tom van Ham
Drs. T. van Ham is onderzoeker bij Bureau Beke en als buitenpromovendus verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Collective violence around football has been a topic of research since the 1980s. In the Netherlands, in recent decades the size and severity of this problem have decreased sharply and the number of incidents has stabilized due to measures taken. At the same time, these measures have resulted in an increase of football-related incidents outside stadiums and on other days than match days. Confrontations based upon prior mutual agreements, so-called arranged confrontations, are an example of this. Based on multiple research methods, in this article the underlying causes of arranged confrontations and processes influencing individual participation are addressed. Results show that this type of collective violence and partaking in it has various causes and explanations. These fit with extant research literature in the area of group crime and collective violence and are incorporated in the recently developed initiation-escalation model.

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