
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie

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Aflevering 1, 2018 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee

Over de criminogene rol van bedrijven en overheden bij shipbreaking

Trefwoorden shipbreaking, state-corporate crime, environmental crime, case study, waste
Auteurs Jasmien Claeys MSc en Dr. Lieselot Bisschop

    Shipbreaking is the dismantling of discarded vessels to reuse parts and recycle secondary raw materials. The majority of discarded vessels ends up on Southeast Asian beaches, dismantled without regard for the environment or human health. Our case study analyses the environmental crime of shipbreaking by using the theoretical framework of state-corporate crime as a frame of analysis. We focus on Germany and Greece as countries of origin and Bangladesh as a country of destination. Our findings show that shipbreaking is the result of a complex criminogenic interplay of economic and political actors on national as well as international level.

Jasmien Claeys MSc
J.C.D. Claeys (MSc) is onderzoeker bij het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy van de Universiteit Gent.

Dr. Lieselot Bisschop
Dr. L.C.J. Bisschop is universitair docent aan de Erasmus School of Law van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Access_open De daling in jeugddelinquentie: minder risico, meer bescherming?

Trefwoorden crime drop, juvenile delinquency, risk and protective factors, ecological model, self-reported delinquency
Auteurs Dr. André van der Laan, Dr. Josja Rokven, Dr. Gijs Weijters e.a.

    According to police statistics, juvenile crime in the Netherlands decreased annually since 2007. Explanations for the crime drop primarily focused on single macro explanations, such as increasing prosperity, focused policing or decreasing alcohol use. The prevalence of self-reported delinquency also dropped in the period 2005 till 2015. In three consecutive cohorts of the Youth Delinquency Survey (YDS; 2005, 2010, 2015) changes in exposure to risk and protective factors offered potential explanations for the drop in juvenile delinquency. Compared to previous cohorts, juveniles in the 2015-cohort were less exposed to risk factors like alcohol use and delinquent friends, and more exposed to protective factors like perceived emotional support, solicitation and monitoring by parents. Amongst serious delinquents, however, the exposure to individual risk behavior and delinquent friends was stable over time. Serious delinquents also showed stability over the cohorts in frequency and seriousness of offenses. The vulnerability for risk and protective factors was consistent amongst the three cohorts, regardless the seriousness of delinquency. Changing social cultural attitudes towards risk behavior, e.g. delinquency, could be an additional explanation for the juvenile crime drop. Implications for theory and policy are discussed.

Dr. André van der Laan
Dr. A.M. van der Laan is senioronderzoeker en plaatsvervangend afdelingshoofd bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

Dr. Josja Rokven
Dr. J. Rokven is onderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

Dr. Gijs Weijters
Dr. G. Weijters is senioronderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

Dr. Marinus Beerthuizen
Dr. M.G.C.J. Beerthuizen is onderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

Dochters van de jihad

Hoe familieleden betekenis geven aan het vertrek van Belgische en Nederlandse vrouwen die zich aansloten bij IS

Trefwoorden women, IS, Jihadism
Auteurs Dr. Marion Van San

    Since it has become apparent that so many Western women have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join Islamic State, there is a relentless stream of publications dealing with the motivations of these women to join the terrorist organization. Most of these publications, based on ‘open sources’, are focusing on the motives spread by the women via social media. These social media reports, however, only provide a distorted view of the women’s motives. This article is based upon ethnographic research focusing on 28 Belgian and Dutch families, whose daughters have left for Syria to join the armed struggle.
    Although the existing literature shows that the feelings of exclusion in Western societies by Muslim women is seen as an important motive for their departure to Syria, the conversations with the families rarely supported this. Moreover, religion and ideology have played a minor role in the departure of their daughters from the perspective of the families, compared to what literature suggests. According to the families the departure of their daughters was mainly driven by romantic motives and the problems they were dealing with in their daily lives.

Dr. Marion Van San
Dr. M.R.P.J.R. van San is als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het RISBO (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam).

De impact van criminaliteit op de lokale belastingontvangsten

Toepassing van de Tiebout-hypothese in Vlaamse gemeenten

Trefwoorden crime, local taxes, migration, Tiebout mobility
Auteurs Drs. Nik Smits en Prof. dr. Stijn Goeminne

    This paper empirically investigates whether the Flemish local income tax base yield in 306 Flemish municipalities is sensitive to changes in the local crime level between 2000 and 2014. There are two underlying assumptions. First, in a Tiebout world, rational voters holding the local government accountable for the safety of its citizens move when the local level of security becomes too greatly alienated from what they want it to be (first assumption). If migration is due to crime, the wealthier citizens are expected to move first. Consequently, the average income per capita and thus the income distribution will be affected, which in turn will influence the local income tax base yield (second assumption). By confirming both assumptions, evidence is presented for a relation between changes in local crime rates and the income tax base yield of Flemish municipalities, occurring through household mobility.

Drs. Nik Smits
N. Smits is doctoraatsstudent aan de Universiteit Gent, vakgroep Algemene Economie.

Prof. dr. Stijn Goeminne
Prof. dr. S. Goeminne is hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Gent, vakgroep Algemene Economie.

Economische theorievorming over misdaad en straf, vijftig jaar na Becker

Trefwoorden neoclassical economic theory, rational choice behavior, social cost-benefit analysis
Auteurs Dr. Ben van Velthoven

    Fifty years ago, Gary Becker’s seminal article on the economics of crime and punishment was published. This paper reviews the theoretical developments in the field since then and takes stock of the strenghts and weaknesses of the economic approach.

Dr. Ben van Velthoven
Dr. B.C.J. van Velthoven is als universitair hoofddocent rechtseconomie verbonden aan de Juridische Faculteit van de Universiteit Leiden.

De strafrechtelijke aanpak van organisatiecriminaliteit

Ideaal of werkelijkheid?

Auteurs Mr. dr. Arnt Mein

Mr. dr. Arnt Mein
Mr. dr. A.G. Mein is als lector verbonden aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, bij de Faculteit Maatschappij en Recht. Net als Joep Beckers heeft hij promotieonderzoek gedaan aan de Erasmus School of Law van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Dr. Tamar Fischer
Dr. T.F.C. Fischer is universitair hoofddocent bij de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Reactie en naschrift

Auteurs Dr. Annemarie ten Boom en Prof. dr. Jan van Dijk

Dr. Annemarie ten Boom
Dr. A. ten Boom is wetenschappelijk medewerker bij het WODC.

Prof. dr. Jan van Dijk
Prof. dr. J. van Dijk is hoogleraar aan Tilburg University.

Online boekbesprekingen


Over daders en slachtoffers

Auteurs Dr. Annemarie ten Boom

Dr. Annemarie ten Boom
Dr. A. ten Boom is wetenschappelijk medewerker bij het WODC.

Dr. Josanne van Dongen
Dr. J.D.M. van Dongen is universitair docent forensische psychologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

The gang game: the myth and seduction of gangs

Auteurs Dr. Luuk Slooter

Dr. Luuk Slooter
Dr. L.A. Slooter is postdoc onderzoeker bij UGlobe, the Utrecht Centre for Global Challenges van de Universiteit Utrecht.