Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Woorden maken werelden (en cijfers ook): hoe hoog is nu het percentage veroordeelde outlawbikers?

Trefwoorden OMCG, Hells Angels, gang database, type 2 error, criminal organization
Auteurs Prof. dr. mr. Arjan Blokland

Prof. dr. mr. Arjan Blokland
Prof. dr. mr. A.A.J. Blokland is senior-onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) en bijzonder hoogleraar Criminology and Criminal Justice aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      In our 2017 report “Profielen van outlaw bikers and outlawbiker clubs” we concluded, “Dutch members of outlaw motorcycle gangs disproportionally frequently have a history criminal justice contacts”. The attorney representing the Hells Angels in the civil law suit filed by the Dutch public prosecutor requesting a civil ban of the Hells Angels, after consulting an expert methodologist, challenged this conclusion due to the possibility of type 2 and type 1 errors in constructing our sample from a police gang database. Here we calculate the proportion of convicted Hells Angels members under different levels of potential bias resulting from these errors. We find that a realistic estimate of the proportion of convicted individuals among the Dutch Hells Angels membership is between 58-96%, which, at a minimum, is roughly twice that in an age-matched population of male motorcyclists who are not members of an outlaw motorcycle club.

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