Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Bedrijven vangen in een net van regulering

Effectieve regulering van mensenrechtenschendingen en milieuschade in theorie en praktijk

Trefwoorden corporate crime, human rights violations, environmental crime, regulation, globalization
Auteurs Annika van Baar en Wim Huisman

Annika van Baar
Dr. A. van Baar is universitair docent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Wim Huisman
Prof. dr. W. Huisman is hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Recent court cases illustrate how harmful activities by Western multinational corporations can inflict vast harms on people and planet, mostly in non-Western communities. This article first proposes a model for potentially successful regulation of corporations that compromise human rights and the environment. This model is then applied to the cases of Shell in Nigeria, Soco International in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Veolia and HeidelbergCement in Occupied Palestinian Territories. The analyses show that the net of regulation can be closed in multiple ways. The case studies illustrate how civil society plays crucial roles in closing existing holes.

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