Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


De vrijwilliger-ondersteuner en het herstelgericht groepsoverleg

Een experiment binnen de bemiddelingsdienst van Leuven (BAL)

Trefwoorden Vrijwilliger ondersteuner, hergo
Auteurs Erik Claes en Emilie Van Daele

Erik Claes
Erik Claes is docent filosofie en recht aan de Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB), opleiding sociaal werk. Hij is projectleider van de onderzoeksprojecten ‘Herstelbemiddeling en vrijwilligers’ (2010-2013) en ‘Herstelrecht en interculturele spanningen in Brussel’, gefinancierd door PWO-financiering van de HUB.

Emilie Van Daele
Emilie Van Daele is stafmedewerkerster bij Socius en voormalig onderzoeksmedewerkster op het onderzoeksproject ‘Herstelbemiddeling en vrijwilligers’.
  • Samenvatting

      This article sketches an experiment initiated by a local mediation service in Flanders (BAL) with regard to the role of a supporting volunteer in the context of family group conferencing. Engaged as researchers in this experiment, the authors reconstruct the conceptual challenges of this project and the solution proposed by the team of mediators. One of these challenges revolves around finding an appropriative account of restorative justice that fits with the aims of the Belgian conferencing practice and clarifies the role of the supporting volunteer. Another comes down to distinguishing this role with the essential tasks of the moderator, and formulating deontological devices. In the last part of this contribution a few learning points are formulated with regard to the process and results of the experiment. One of these points is the need to rethink how successfully offering the possibility of engaging a supporting volunteer to the stake holding parties.

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