Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Restorative Transformative Learning en Partnergeweld

Van ‘herstellen’ naar ‘herstellend transformeren’

Trefwoorden intimate partner violence, restorative justice, transformative learning, meaning perspectives, restorative transformative learning
Auteurs Dana Weistra en Anthony Pemberton

Dana Weistra
Dana Weistra studeerde in 2014 af aan de Universiteit van Tilburg op het onderwerp restorative justice and intimate partner violence en heeft stage gelopen bij het International Victimology Institute Tilburg op het project Mediation naast strafrecht. Momenteel is zij werkzaam als junior onderzoeker en beleidsmedewerker bij Slachtofferhulp Nederland.

Anthony Pemberton
Antony Pemberton is hoogleraar Victimologie bij Intervict in Tilburg. Hij is tevens redacteur van dit tijdschrift.
  • Samenvatting

      Many articles have dealt with the question why restorative justice in cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) may or may not be appropriate. Seeing however as a punitive approach towards IPV is rapidly losing popularity as an effective way of dealing with this complex type of violence, as well as the outcomes of a recent study by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (2014) – where 25% of the Dutch women that were surveyed indicated they had experienced violence by an intimate partner – restorative justice may be a promising alternative after all.
      Instead of adding to the debate, the current article focuses on how restorative justice can be constructed to be appropriate for IPV cases, and is explorative in nature. In order to do so, the theory behind transformative learning is combined with restorative justice practices, shifting the focus from ‘restoration’ to ‘restorative transformation’. Such a restorative transformative learning approach focuses on transforming violent meaning perspectives that dictate the use or toleration of violence. Instead of trying to restore the individual back to the state they were in before the violence took place – as ‘restoration’ traditionally implies – the goal of restorative transformative learning is to restore the individual back to a state before a violent meaning perspective was acquired. The transformation of violent meaning perspectives is therefore the prerequisite for restoration.
      The method that is introduced in this article offers a practical framework and guidelines to achieve such a transformation. It answers to the complexity of IPV cases by focusing on the entire family system, while leaving room for individual restoration. In doing so, restorative transformative learning may possibly open the way to the acceptance of restorative justice in the field of IPV.

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