Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelrecht bij partnergeweld

Resultaten van een Europees onderzoek

Auteurs Annemieke Wolthuis en Katinka Lünnemann

Annemieke Wolthuis
Annemieke Wolthuis is zelfstandig onderzoeker, trainer en mediator. Zij is tevens redactielid van het Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht.

Katinka Lünnemann
Katinka Lünnemann is als senior-onderzoeker verbonden aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.
  • Samenvatting

      Restorative Justice is not evident in cases of intimate partner violence, but it can take and does take place under certain conditions. Wolthuis and Lünnemann explain about the European research they coordinated in six European countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands and the UK) on context and practicalities of the use of victim-offender mediation in such complex cases. Cases dealing with violence of mainly men against women and where power imbalances often play a role. That means that mediators, referrers and others involved should know about this complexity and the needs of participants. Austria and Finland turned out to have the most experienced working methods. Their models, good practices and challenges are presented as well as the main outcomes of the research. Interviews and focus groups in the countries gave additional insights. It resulted in a guide with minimum standards addressing the different stages of a mediation process with extra attention for safety and empowerment.

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