Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Onherstelbaar onrecht

Een verkenning van de verhouding tussen recht en onrecht

Trefwoorden victims, justice, injustice (experiences), intimacy, restoration
Auteurs Antony Pemberton en Nanda Oudejans

Antony Pemberton
Antony Pemberton is hoogleraar victimologie aan Tilburg University en directeur van het International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT).

Nanda Oudejans
Nanda Oudejans is universitair docent rechtsfilosofie aan de Universiteit Utrecht en research fellow van INTERVICT.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article the authors reflect upon Judith Shklar’s classic book The Faces of Injustice. They maintain that injustice is wrongly confined to the absence or counterpart of justice. The authors discuss the relationship between and the difference between injustice and justice. According to the authors, injustice has more intensity than justice. Legal rules have only limited power to fight extreme forms of injustice. They argue that there is an asymmetry between justice and injustice, also because the law introduces values as predictability and regularity that, in concrete situations, are badly equipped to eliminate injustice. They claim that injustice is rooted in the idiosyncratic perspectives of those who suffered harm and argue that injustice has a ‘playful’ character, while the law has the character of a game. Finally, they argue that injustice is at the core an intimate experience, whereas justice is primarily about relationships between people. The authors outline the implications of these points for thinking about restoration and the relationship between restoration processes and the law.

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