Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Daders en herstel tijdens detentie: de cursussen Puinruimen, SOS en DAPPER

Trefwoorden Puinruimen, SOS, DAPPER, Herstelgerichte cursus, detentie
Auteurs Sven Zebel, Marieke Vroom en Elze Ufkes

Sven Zebel
Sven Zebel is universitair docent aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid van de Universiteit Twente.

Marieke Vroom
Marieke Vroom is freelance journalist en tekstschrijver en werkte als onderzoeker aan de Universiteit Twente.

Elze Ufkes
Elze G. Ufkes is universitair docent aan de vakgroep Psychologie van Conflict, Risico en Veiligheid van de Universiteit Twente.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) strives for a more restorative prison culture in the Netherlands, incorporating a more victim-oriented and restorative way of working in prisons. To this end, DJI has asked for a plan and process evaluation of three restorative courses among (juvenile and adult) prisoners in the Netherlands: Puinruimen, SOS and DAPPER. This article first offers an overview of the most important findings of this evaluation which was finalized in 2016. Based on the findings of the plan evaluation, a cautious yet clearly positive picture emerges of the design and substantiation of each of the three courses examined. That is, an extensive description and substantiation exists of each course. In addition, evidence exists in the (limited) scientific literature for one of the goals that each of these courses have formulated: to increase prisoners’ awareness of the consequences of crime for victims. The literature also suggests that creating trust among participants and a safe group process during the course is helpful in attaining the goals formulated. The process evaluation of the execution of the three courses in practice further strengthens the cautious, yet positive picture painted by the plan evaluation. An examination of the experiences of the courses’ participants lends further support to the observation that these courses can attain part of their goals. For example, after the course participants were more positive about the added value of victim-offender mediation for them personally than before.
      Aside from these findings, this article also argues for a deeper consideration of the constructive roles that both emotions guilt and shame can play in the restorative process of prisoners during these courses. The article ends with a number of recommendations for restorative courses in prison and a sketch of the current state of affairs in the Netherlands regarding these courses.

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