Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelbemiddeling in twee gevangenissen

Positieve effecten op stoppen met misdaad?

Trefwoorden Desistance, restorative justice, Mediation, Prison
Auteurs Bart Claes en Joanna Shapland

Bart Claes
Bart Claes was werkzaam aan het Erasmus University College te Brussel en is houder van het lectoraat ‘Balanceren tussen dwang, drang en veiligheid’, Expertisecentrum Veiligheid, Avans Hogeschool te Breda.

Joanna Shapland
Joanna Shapland is a Edward Bramley Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Sheffield (UK).
  • Samenvatting

      Over the last twenty years, research on desistance from crime and on restorative justice has grown rapidly and both have emerged as exciting, vibrant, and dynamic areas of contemporary criminological interest. While the implementation of restorative justice practices in Europe has been essentially victim-oriented, there has always also been an emphasis on including the moral and social rehabilitation of the offender. This more offender-centred approach to restorative justice and its practices is not limited to the evaluation of its ability to reduce crime, but is to be seen within the connection between reparation, resettlement (reintegration into the community after sentence), and desistance from crime. This article examines, from a broad perspective, but including some data from research on victim-offender mediation in prison, the capacity of restorative justice interventions to impact positively on offenders’ likelihood of stopping committing criminal offences.

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