Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Risico’s rondom de eindovereenkomst bij mediation in strafzaken

Over (de)juridisering, strijdige belangen en management van verwachtingen

Trefwoorden vaststellingsovereenkomst, Eisen vaststellingsovereenkomst, Strijdige belangen, Eindresultaat, procesbegeleider
Auteurs Janny Dierx en Marlène Panis

Janny Dierx
Janny Dierx is jurist en MfN-mediator. Zij is bestuurder van De Mediation Coöperatie en mediator in strafzaken. Ze is commissielid van het Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven en redactielid van dit tijdschrift.

Marlène Panis
Marlène Panis is mediation functionaris bij de Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant, zelfstandig mediator en hoofdredacteur van het Infoblad Mediation in Strafzaken.
  • Samenvatting

      Penal mediation is currently gaining ground within the Dutch criminal law system. The practice of penal mediation is still young, however, and therefore vulnerable. Common criminal practice as well as legislation are not yet thoroughly compatible with practicing penal mediation. The authors of this contribution explore some of the dangers mediators in penal cases face while drafting party-agreements that are to be taken into consideration by the judicial authorities.
      The article identifies the responsibilities of penal mediators who at the same time serve the interests of victims and offenders as well as take into account expectations judicial authorities might have. The responsibility of penal mediators is especially delicate whenever mediation parties seek to influence the outcome of the criminal lawsuit through mediation. Criminal law is a highly-regulated field, which – albeit unconsciously – seduces the mediator his- or herself to lose track of the main restorative goals of the mediation process. The authors point out some of the traps penal mediators can and should avoid. The article for instance elaborates the inadequacy of current Dutch regulations to arrange financial compensations and damages through penal mediation. Also, the article enumerates examples of over-juridification as well as the lacking of it. Furthermore, avoidable pitfalls such as McDonald-icing of penal mediation, the uselessness of so-called sunny-weather-vouchers, the dangers of copy-paste-agreements and – the worst – putting the height of their own – currently fixed – fees above party interests, are being addressed.

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