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Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Het Athene van de 21ste eeuw?

Reflecties op Leuven Restorative City

Trefwoorden Restorative City, stad, stadstaat, gemeenschapsvorming, cascades
Auteurs Antony Pemberton

Antony Pemberton
Antony Pemberton is hoogleraar aan het Leuven Institute of Criminology (KU Leuven) en is verbonden aan het NSCR te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This essay is a scientific reflection on Leuven Restorative City (LRC). The cities, which present themselves as ‘restorative cities’, aim to ensure that restoration continues to nestle in the capillaries of our society. The article argues that realizing the LRC-promise requires restorative thinking through the meso-level of local public life. This involves reference to a number of notions that can be traced back to Ancient Greek thought in Athens, in which the intellectual virtue of ­phronesis – practical wisdom in a social and political context – is central. Citizens are seen as allies in the solution of social issues. LRC contributes to this through its focus on ‘turning conflict into opportunities’. Restorative justice wisdom is more widely applicable in society. However, the LRC process can sometimes be erratic and unpredict­able. The article points to the possible alternation of good and bad periods, and puts forward the expectation that the development of restorative practices in Leuven can be understood as cascades. In these cascades, the course of the diffusion of restorative practices is presented in terms of successive waves of learning experi­ences and knowledge sharing.

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