Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Herstelcirkels voor slachtoffers en hun naasten na seksueel geweld – de behoefte aan een herstelgerichte en survivor-centered ­benadering

Trefwoorden Seksueel geweld, Survivor-centered benadering, Sociale steun, Herstelcirkel, Isolement
Auteurs Miriam van Oostwaard, Malini Laxminarayan, Sonja Graansma en Gert Jan Slump

Miriam van Oostwaard
Miriam van Oostwaard is werkzaam als gynaecoloog in het IJsselland Ziekenhuis in Capelle aan den IJssel.

Malini Laxminarayan
Malini Laxminarayan is victimoloog en werkzaam voor het Nederlands Helsinki Comité in Den Haag.

Sonja Graansma
Sonja Graansma is werkzaam als projectleider voor Slachtofferhulp Nederland. Tevens is zij werkzaam als vergevingscoach en auteur van het boek Losse haren - leven na verkrachting.

Gert Jan Slump
Gert Jan Slump is zelfstandig gevestigd criminoloog en vernieuwer op het gebied van strafrecht en herstelrecht. Hij is medeoprichter van Stichting Restorative Justice Nederland en mede-initiatiefnemer van Stichting Jongerenrechtbanken Nederland en Communityprocessing. Hij is tevens raadslid in de gemeente Amstelveen.
  • Samenvatting

      This article explains experiences with a project that was recently launched by the authors in the Netherlands. One of them is a victim of rape and she was able to explain what she missed in her recovery process. The project contains a recovery-oriented and survivor-centred approach through circles of support for victims and their loved ones after sexual violence. Sexual violence has a far-reaching impact on victims and their friends and family. Care programs targeting support systems are lacking, while in recent years the need for a ‘survivor-centred’ approach in survivor-­related topics including counselling for recovery from sexual violence has been recognised. This approach argues that victims themselves are best placed to indicate their needs and ideas, and that all decisions made about them are not made without them. In the extensive literature search done, no Circles of Support were found specifically for loved ones of victims of sexual violence.
      While support seems vital for recovery, yet social interaction is often disrupted. Respondents were invited for an interview through a call on an online community for sexual assault victims. They furthermore were asked to indicate if they would like to remain involved in this project and other victim-centered work. Sixteen interviews were conducted among victims of sexual violence. Ten respondents indicated that if offered, they would have participated in a support circle. The usefulness of sharing and social support were endorsed, but fear, shame and guilt were cited as barriers. All interviewees were interested in continued participation. There seems to be a great need for involving relatives in the recovery of sexual violence and victims in the implementation of projects that affect them. The value of the involvement of those affected and loved ones has proved indispensable. For further development of help offerings for social support and materials, formalisation of that involvement is necessary, for example in the form of a Survivor Board.

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