
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 1-2, 2023 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is onder andere verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit en is TMD-­redactielid. Hij trad enkele malen op als rapporteur-generaal voor de Raad van Europa op het gebied van ADR/mediation.

The myth of mediator neutrality

Trefwoorden neutrality, mediation, mediation models, mediator
Auteurs Barney Jordaan

    In the context of legal or commercial disputes, mediation can broadly be defined as a process in which a third party - the mediator - tries to assist parties to a dispute to resolve their differences. This contribution questions the notion of a mediator being a “neutral” who has no, or at least very limited authority to deal with the substance of a dispute. This is not merely an academic matter, as mediator “neutrality” also sometimes lies at the heart of the way mediation is regulated and mediators are trained, regulatory frameworks and mediator as is the case with Belgium.

Barney Jordaan
Dr. Barney Jordaan is professor of management practice at Vlerick Business School. After teaching and practising law for several years in South Africa he became something of a ‘pracademic’ by combining his work as dispute resolution practitioner with teaching at a number of business schools in South Africa and abroad. He has been teaching at Vlerick since 2014. He is an internationally certified mediator (CEDR, IMI and others) and regularly appears in the annual publication Who’s Who of International Commercial Mediation.

Narcissism in court and mediation

Challenges and opportunities

Trefwoorden narcissistic abuse, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), impunity, rule of law, mediation
Auteurs Matthias Vanhullebusch

    Despite the rise of a popular consciousness on the narcissistic personality disorder, legal professionals have yet to grasp the impact of narcissistic abuse in court and/or mediation proceedings in family, commercial or labour disputes. The exploitativeness of and vindictiveness of malignant narcissists vis-à-vis their victims undermine the prospects for peacefully resolving disputes. Recognising the patterns of narcissistic abuse and supply is essential for judges and mediators to succeed in fulfilling their mandate to find a lasting solution to different types of conflicts. Psychological studies can offer insights here in tackling the narcissist’s impunity before the law, protecting the narcissist’s opponent or victim and upholding the credibility of conflict management avenues – court and mediation proceedings alike – in the face of a growing narcissistic culture in modern societies.

Matthias Vanhullebusch
Prof. Dr. Matthias Vanhullebusch (PhD, London; LLM, Leiden) lectures law at Hasselt University, Belgium.

Access_open Schuldvorderingen: een regierol voor de gerechtsdeurwaarder!

Een gesprek met Chris Bakhuis en Ton Jongbloed

Auteurs Annie de Roo en Rob Jagtenberg

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is associate professor of ADR and comparative law at Erasmus University Law School in Rotterdam, editoral board member of TMD, and vice chair of the exams committee of the Mediators Federation of the Netherlands MFN. She has published extensively on mediation and has inter alia been a Rapporteur three times for the European Commission on the use of mediation in employment disputes.

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is onder andere verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit en is TMD-redactielid. Hij trad enkele malen op als rapporteur-generaal voor de Raad van Europa op het gebied van ADR/mediation.

De inzet van mediation bij (dreigende) ­insolventie

De mogelijkheden en beperkingen van mediation en mediationvaardigheden

Trefwoorden mediation, insolventie, WHOA, surseance, faillissement
Auteurs André Jansen en Marie-Hélène Berghuijs

    Which opportunities exist for deploying mediation in the face of imminent insolvency? In this contribution, the authors apply the most important factors for the success of mediation to situations of impending insolvency under Dutch law. The room for negotiation, the readiness to negotiate and the degree of escalation and emotions are assessed against the canvas of bankruptcies, moratoria, and the 2021 Dutch Scheme (the Act on the conformation of out-of-court restructuring plans (WHOA)).

André Jansen
Mr. A.J.A. (André) Jansen is advocaat en MfN-mediator bij HJ Advocaten & Mediators te Amsterdam.

Marie-Hélène Berghuijs
Mr. M-H.S. (Marie-Hélène) Berghuijs is advocaat en mediator bij Eversheds Sutherland te Amsterdam.

Bernhard Ardaen
Bernhard Ardaen is Legal and business advisor, auteur en bemiddelaar in complexe financiële dossiers.

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is associate professor of ADR and comparative law at Erasmus University Law School in Rotterdam, editoral board member of TMD, and vice chair of the exams committee of the Mediators Federation of the Netherlands MFN. She has published extensively on mediation and has inter alia been a Rapporteur three times for the European Commission on the use of mediation in employment disputes.