This contribution discusses the EU Commission proposals for a directive on Consumer ADR and a Regulation on consumer ODR. The directive compels member state to cater for complete coverage of all contractual consumer disputes (whether domestic or cross-border) by ADR entities that meet certain quality requirements and to actively make these facilities known. The proposed regulation introduces an EU-wide single ODR platform that will transfer consumer complaints to the appropriate national entity. European comparative research suggests the business community’s initial reluctance to (co-)finance such external extra-judicial dispute reolution schemes (deploying quasi-arbitration or mediation) may be overcome in either of two ways: through the prospect of introducing EU collective consumer redress before the courts instead, or by convincing business of ADR’s use as an additional marketing feedback tool. Some open questions that remain are highlighted. |

Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement
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Column |
Schikken, slikken of strikken?De Europese ontwerpregelgeving voor ADR in consumentengeschillen |
Trefwoorden | ADR in consumentengeschillen, Online dispute resolution, Europese ontwerpregelgeving, Consumer ADR, ODR, EU legislative proposals |
Auteurs | Rob Jagtenberg |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
It takes two to tango: macht en emoties in arbeidsconflicten en -mediation |
Trefwoorden | power, emotions, labor mediation |
Auteurs | Katalien Bollen en Martin Euwema |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Hierarchical (labor) conflicts have a unique dynamic. Although power dynamics play a role in many interactions, they may play a crucial role in labor conflicts affecting the conflict itself and the subsequent mediation. In this paper, we look at the concept of power as well as different power sources in order to get more grip on the power balance between disputants. We show that when parties hold and/or perceive different power positions, parties differ strongly with regard to their perception of the conflict, their emotional experience but also their (conflict) behavior. For example, where a labor conflict may represent a very personal and painful event for the less powerful, it may be just one of the many tasks the more powerful has to deal with. Consequently, parties have different needs and expectations in order to solve the conflict. Knowledge of these processes is essential if one wishes to acquire insight in the power balance between disputants and/or intervene in labor conflicts. |
Artikel |
De opkomst van Eigen Kracht-conferenties in Nederland en Vlaanderen |
Trefwoorden | Family Group Conferences, economic potential, savings |
Auteurs | Annie de Roo |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Since 2001 Family Group Conferences are being organised in the Netherlands, and in Flanders since 2006. The Eigen Kracht Centrale, the Dutch forum organising Family Group Conferences, supported in 2011 research into the economic potential of Family Group Conferences, particularly in multi problem families. The results of the research are promising, meaning that Family Group Conferences may contribute to savings of costs for youth care. |
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Deelname studententeam 7de ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition te Parijs |
Trefwoorden | 7the ICC Mediation Competition, Dutch student team, style of negotiation |
Auteurs | Marit de Vrijer |
Samenvatting |
In February 2012 the Dutch student team took part in the 7th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition. In their report they describe some of their experiences inter alia with the different negotiation styles practiced by the (other) student teams, particularly how a chosen style of negotiation may have a positive or negative impact on the mediation process. This was an important insight for a possibly new generation of mediators. |
Praktijk |
Scriptie Sarah Hillen: ‘Is Nederland gebaat bij een wettelijke verankering van de afdwingbaarheid van een mediationclausule?’ |
Trefwoorden | mediation, mediationclause, contract, enforceability |
Auteurs | Sarah Hillen |
Auteursinformatie |
Diversen |
Conference ‘Resolving mass disputes: ADR and settlement of mass claims’26 and 27 June 2012 |