
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 3, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Over de potentie van mediation in moeilijke tijden

Auteurs Annie de Roo

Annie de Roo

Humor en mediation

Trefwoorden humour, humour skills, humour style, effects of humour
Auteurs Cees Dietvorst

    Humour adds to a successful mediation process. Humour creates energy. Intuitively it feels as the right thing to do because it tones down the positions in the conflict. Applying humour as a communication skill can smooth out the rough edges in the difficult phases of the dialogue.
    The paper starts out with a brief description of the communicative skills that can be used in the domain of humour. In the main body of the paper the author explains his view on the productive relationship between humour and mediation. The effectiveness of humour as communication skill depends on the degree to which the mediator is aware of her or his mediation style.
    The process and the result of the mediation as a whole depend upon a number of conditions: the quality of the communication, the symmetry in the context, a flexible goal orientation and putting issues into perspective. As a mediator one needs to be sure about one’s humour skills before applying them in a real life mediation.

Cees Dietvorst
Drs. Cees Dietvorst is adviseur/coach voor directeur-bestuurders en (leden van) raden van toezicht, voornamelijk in het onderwijsdomein. Hij heeft diverse publicaties op zijn naam staan op het gebied van organisatiecultuur, besturen van onderwijsorganisaties en humor(gebruik). E-mail: dietvorst@xs4all.nl

Trouble in paradise: foreclosure-mediation in de Verenigde Staten

Trefwoorden foreclosure mediation, hypotheek, Verenigde Staten
Auteurs Ken Andries

    This article examines the practice of foreclosure mediation in the American mortgage market after the financial crisis of 2008. Many states have implemented foreclosure mediation programs to handle the deluge of foreclosure proceedings in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The role of the mortgage servicing industry in the success or failure of this type of mediation is discussed, as well as the possible outcomes of a foreclosure mediation.

Ken Andries
Ken Andries is docent aan de Universiteit Hasselt en advocaat aan de balie van Brussel.

Het managen van mediation en rechtspraak

Een Europees-Chinese gedachtewisseling

Trefwoorden court management, cultural differences, pressure to settle
Auteurs Rob Jagtenberg

    Following an overview of the historical place of mediation in China, this contribution summarizes the outcomes of a Euro-Chinese symposium held in Beijing on 1 and 2 September 2012, focused on mediation as a case management tool for the courts. In China, mediation appears to be on the rise again since a few years, reconquering its traditional predominant place in China, after a decade of increased litigation during the period of rapid economic growth. The pressure on Chinese courts to make the parties settle raises some questions however about how to assess whether private mediation or public litigation is indicated, and by which evidence-based standards.

Rob Jagtenberg
Dr. Rob Jagtenberg is onder meer verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit en publiceerde veelvuldig over zowel mediation als over de rechtsontwikkeling in China, onder meer in opdracht van de Europese Commissie en de Wereldbank.

Mediation in Nederland bedrijfsmatig beschouwd

Trefwoorden market, growth, innovation, income, trends
Auteurs Huub Sprangers

    In the article the author discusses the market requirements for mediation in the Netherlands. This includes potential for growth and possible annual financial turnover. The article also explores the dynamics of the market and highlights common problems presented by clients, and also whether trends exist and whether mediators are biased in certain areas.
    Clients require practical solutions to their particular problem areas. They are less interested in the abstract theories of mediation techniques. The market requirement will therefore differ and depend on those specific problem areas. Mediation will survive only if it provides mediators a realistic income.

Huub Sprangers
Ir. Huub Sprangers is oud-ondernemer. Hij was tussen 1999 en 2005 voorzitter van de Vereniging Bouwmediators.nl en haar rechtsvoorganger NMI Groep Bouw. Daarnaast was hij rond de eeuwwisseling actief voor de Regio NMI Mediators Haaglanden, en in dezelfde periode grondlegger, medeoprichter en vervolgens tot 2008 eerste voorzitter van de NMv. Hij is sinds 2008 erevoorzitter van de NMv en zat van oktober 2009 tot juli 2011 namens de NMv in het bestuur van het NMI. Van 2005 tot medio 2011 was hij voorzitter/coördinator van het Centraal Mediators Beraad.

De mediationmatrix

Ervaringen van forensische mediators

Trefwoorden strategic coaching, divorce mediation, parent contracting, mediation matrix
Auteurs Maarten Kouwenhoven

    A specialist needs an instrument to be effective. For a doctor it is his stethoscope, for a lawyer it is the law books, for a psychologist it is the psychological tests and for a mediator it is the mediation matrix. This article explains how to operate the mediation matrix, that is based upon the Transactional Analysis theory and cybernetics. It can be used as a route planner that helps the mediator to explain to his client what he is doing, how he does that and why he does that. This will reduce the client’s stress, improve his logical thinking and self management.
    The mediation matrix is an instrument to improve structure and transparency. In this way the mediator can support the expression of blocking emotions. By doing this, the mediator can support the positive emotions which will follow. The mediator is no longer a person with a bag of technics, but a professional with an integrated theory and useful technique.

Maarten Kouwenhoven
Maarten Kouwenhoven is klinisch psycholoog/psychotherapeut en managementconsultant. Hij is de auteur van het Handboek strategisch coachen (2007) en redacteur en mede-auteur van een standaardwerk Transactionele Analyse in Nederland (deel I, II en III). Hij is een van de oprichters en erelid van de NVTA (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Transactionele Analyse) en is werkzaam als directeur/docent van Kouwenhoven Opleidingen (www.kouwenhovenopleidingen.nl).