
Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

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Aflevering 2, 2014 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Stefaan Voet
Stefaan Voet is doctor-assistent aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Gent en advocaat bij de balie Brugge.

Versterking alternatieve geschilbeslechting in consumentenzaken door richtlijn ADR en verordening ODR

Trefwoorden SGC, Geschillencommissie, consumentenzaken, consumentengeschillen
Auteurs Mr. Koos Nijgh

    In his column ‘Versterking alternatieve geschilbeslechting in consumentenzaken door richtlijn ADR en verordening ODR’ Koos Nijgh, head of the legal department of the ‘Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken (SGC)’ gives an overview of how the SGC should anticipate the recent European legislative developments regarding ADR. After a brief summary on how the SGC functions, he analyses the European legislative demands and the policy the SGC has adopted. The author concludes that the impact of the new legislation is overseeable and that the SGC will do even better in the future.

Mr. Koos Nijgh
Mr. J. Nijgh is hoofd Juridische Zaken van de Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken (SGC).

ADR en ODR voor consumentenzaken in beweging

Enige juridische implicaties van de Europese ADR-richtlijn en ODR-verordening voor het Nederlandse ADR-landschap

Trefwoorden consumentenzaken, ADR-richtlijn, ODR-verordering, implementatie Europese regels
Auteurs Eline Verhage

    Medio 2013 the European legislator adopted Directive 2013/11/EU (ADR Directive) and Regulation 524/2013 (ODR Regulation), both in the field of European consumer redress. The Directive and Regulation aim to promote the simple, fast and digital (out of court) resolution of consumer disputes. The Directive must be implemented no later than July 2015. This article describes some hurdles the Dutch legislator must overcome to successfully implement the Directive into the self-regulatory Dutch Consumer ADR system.

Eline Verhage
Eline Verhage is recentelijk civielrechtelijk afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit Leiden en thans bezig met het schrijven van een onderzoeksvoorstel teneinde te kunnen promoveren op het gebied van ADR en ODR.

Consumer Dispute Resolution (CDR) in Europe

Trefwoorden Consumer Dispute Resolution, CDR, national cultures, CDR-models
Auteurs Naomi Creutzfeldt en Christopher Hodges

    This paper is a combination of the ‘Oxford study 2012’ (C. Hodges, I. Benöhr & N. Creutzfeldt-Banda, Consumer ADR in Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2012) and subsequent publications about consumer dispute resolution in Europe. Recent EU legislation aims to establish a EU-wide framework for consumer alternative dispute resolution (CADR or CDR) schemes and a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR). This forces member states to revisit their existing CDR models and in some cases, to modernize their structures. Many member states face challenges of reform of existing systems by the directives implementation date of 2015. This paper will provide an overview of CDR, the development of current legislation and discuss some national examples. The paper concludes with comments about implementation of the directive and potential future direction.

Naomi Creutzfeldt
Naomi Creutzfeldt is ESRC Research Fellow at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford.

Christopher Hodges
Christopher Hodges is Head of the CMS/Swiss Re Research Programme on Civil Justice Systems, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford; Erasmus Professor of the Fundamentals of Private Law, Erasmus University, Rotterdam; Honorary Professor of the China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing; Guest Professor of Wuhan University, Wuhan; Life Member of Wolfson College, Oxford; Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England & Wales. Research funding is received from the international law firm CMS, the European Justice Forum and Swiss Reinsurance Company Limited.

Interview met Kamerlid Ard van der Steur: de wetsvoorstellen bevordering mediation

Trefwoorden wetsvoorstellen, registermediator, kwaliteitseisen, rechtsbijstand
Auteurs Rob Jagtenberg en Herman Verbist

    Mr Ard van der Steur MP for the Dutch Liberals (VVD), has introduced three interconnected private member bills to anchor mediation more firmly into the Dutch legal system. This initiative grew out from dissatisfaction over the truly minimal implementation of EU Directive 2008/52 in the Netherlands. For one thing, the bill envisages stricter quality standards and registration requirements. Professional privilege, for instance, will only accrue to those who meet all requirements as Registermediators. Another interesting aspect of the bills concerns the duty for parties to indicate to court in the writ of summons whether mediation has been attempted, and if not, why not. If a legal question arises while a mediation is pending before a Registermediator, the latter may refer that question on behalf of the parties to a cantonal judge electronically, whereas proviso is made for the judge handing down judgment at short notice, in order not to interrupt the flow of mediation more than necessary. These are just some of the innovative aspects of the bills that are being discussed during this interview at the premises of the Dutch parliament.

Rob Jagtenberg
Rob Jagtenberg is docent aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is advocaat bij de balies te Gent en te Brussel, werkzaam bij Everest Advocaten, erkend bemiddelaar en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Dispute Management as a Means of Value Based Corporate Governance

Trefwoorden Viadrina Component Model, CMRM model, Conflict Spider, Dispute Management
Auteurs Cornelia Schmidt en Michael Hammes

    Disputes are part of a company’s daily business reality, involving a broad range of internal and external stakeholders. As disputes may have significant consequences in terms of costs and damages, it is crucial that disputes are managed in a ‘wise’ manner. In this context, PwC and the Institute of Conflict Management at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) initiated a broader ten years research project. The fourth and most recent survey was published in October 2013 and examines the question of how dispute management can be established as a means of value based corporate governance. The survey describes how disputes can be successfully managed by employing a professional framework and associated tools.

Cornelia Schmidt
Cornelia Schmidt is a Consultant in PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Cornelia advises clients on fraud and dispute related issues. She has been extensively involved in the recent survey.

Michael Hammes
Michael Hammes is a Director of PricewaterhouseCooper’s Forensic Services practice based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Michael has extensive experience in dispute resolution. He frequently acts as a party-appointed or tribunal appointed expert in arbitration or court proceedings or as an expert arbitrator.

Steven Brouwers
Steven Brouwers is erkend advocaat-bemiddelaar en docent PAO Bemiddeling aan de Universiteit Antwerpen.