Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


Dispute Boards voor grote bouwprojecten en langetermijncontracten

Trefwoorden Geschillencommissies, Alternatief, Langetermijncontracten, Bouwsector
Auteurs William Buyse

William Buyse
William Buyse is burgerlijk bouwkundig ingenieur, voorzitter van KRID en officieel vertegenwoordiger van de DRBF in België, en zaakvoerder adviesbureau C.E.M. Consulting.
  • Samenvatting

      Dispute Boards are an alternative ‘real time’ method to avoid disputes. If no settlement can be reached the board will issue a decision which is contractually binding for all parties involved. This way costly arbitrations or court procedures, which generally only start at the end of projects with negative effects for both employer and contractor, are avoided. DBs are especially suited for construction sites and longterm contracts. They have a positive effect on the total cost of the project and avoid delays in the handing over at the end of the project. FIDIC, ICC are already using a special DB-article in their general contract conditions. The Worldbank, JICA, the EIB and MDBs are also using this method when financing international investment projects. Setting up a DB with three members right from the start of a project seldom costs more than 1% of the contract price of the project.

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