Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


The myth of mediator neutrality

Trefwoorden neutrality, mediation, mediation models, mediator
Auteurs Barney Jordaan

Barney Jordaan
Dr. Barney Jordaan is professor of management practice at Vlerick Business School. After teaching and practising law for several years in South Africa he became something of a ‘pracademic’ by combining his work as dispute resolution practitioner with teaching at a number of business schools in South Africa and abroad. He has been teaching at Vlerick since 2014. He is an internationally certified mediator (CEDR, IMI and others) and regularly appears in the annual publication Who’s Who of International Commercial Mediation.
  • Samenvatting

      In the context of legal or commercial disputes, mediation can broadly be defined as a process in which a third party - the mediator - tries to assist parties to a dispute to resolve their differences. This contribution questions the notion of a mediator being a “neutral” who has no, or at least very limited authority to deal with the substance of a dispute. This is not merely an academic matter, as mediator “neutrality” also sometimes lies at the heart of the way mediation is regulated and mediators are trained, regulatory frameworks and mediator as is the case with Belgium.

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