Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


De inzet van mediation bij (dreigende) ­insolventie

De mogelijkheden en beperkingen van mediation en mediationvaardigheden

Trefwoorden mediation, insolventie, WHOA, surseance, faillissement
Auteurs André Jansen en Marie-Hélène Berghuijs

André Jansen
Mr. A.J.A. (André) Jansen is advocaat en MfN-mediator bij HJ Advocaten & Mediators te Amsterdam.

Marie-Hélène Berghuijs
Mr. M-H.S. (Marie-Hélène) Berghuijs is advocaat en mediator bij Eversheds Sutherland te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Which opportunities exist for deploying mediation in the face of imminent insolvency? In this contribution, the authors apply the most important factors for the success of mediation to situations of impending insolvency under Dutch law. The room for negotiation, the readiness to negotiate and the degree of escalation and emotions are assessed against the canvas of bankruptcies, moratoria, and the 2021 Dutch Scheme (the Act on the conformation of out-of-court restructuring plans (WHOA)).

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