Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement


New UNCITRAL instruments in the field of commercial and investment mediation of 2021, 2022 and 2023

Auteurs Herman Verbist

Herman Verbist
Herman Verbist is attorney at the Bars of Ghent and Brussels (Everest Attorneys); accredited mediator; visiting professor at the Europa-Institut, Saarland University; co-chair, Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA). The author has attended the sessions of UNCITRAL Working Group II and III for many years.
  • Samenvatting

      UNCITRAL has recently elaborated a number of new instruments in the field of mediation, both for commercial mediation and for investment mediation: Mediation Rules (2021), Notes on Mediation (2021), Recommendations to assist mediation centres and other interested bodies with regard to mediation under the UNCITRAL Mediation Rules (2022), UNCITRAL Model provisions for International Investment Disputes (2023), UNCITRAL Guidelines on Mediation for International Investment Disputes (2023). Some of these instruments need to be adopted by States in order to become legally enforceable, but other instruments do not need to be adopted by States and can be agreed between the parties. These different instruments are briefly outlined in this contribution.

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