Tijdschrift voor Toezicht


Towards Governance-Based Regulation?

The WRR Report on Toezien op publieke belangen in European and International Perspective

Trefwoorden WRR-rapport, governance-based regulation, international perspective
Auteurs Jonathan Zeitlin

Jonathan Zeitlin
Jonathan Zeitlin is Professor of Public Policy and Governance, Distinguished Faculty Professor, and Jean Monnet Chair in European and Transnational Governance in the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Until quite recently, the Netherlands had an outstanding reputation at home and abroad for administrative regulation and supervision (‘toezicht’) of markets and public services. Over the past decade, however, that reputation has been tarnished, both internally and externally, by a series of regulatory failures and scandals across a wide range of policy domains. In this article the author gives us the international perspective.

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