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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Aandachtslocaties transportveiligheid in beeld gebracht door combinatie van openbare gegevensbestanden

Trefwoorden transportation safety, big data, hot spots, hazardous materials, congestion
Auteurs Nils Rosmuller en Clemon Tonnaer

Nils Rosmuller
Nils Rosmuller is lector Transportveiligheid bij het Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid en teamleider Safety bij TNO. E-mail:

Clemon Tonnaer
Clemon Tonnaer is senior onderzoeker bij de Brandweeracademie van Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (IFV). E-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      Safety authorities in The Netherlands have the obligation to develop so-called risk-profiles. Risk profiles are probability-consequences schemes of all kinds of hazards (ranging from earth quakes to transportation and from floodings to fires in high rise buildings). To develop such schemes, various data sources could be useful. In this paper, we describe an approach to make use of existing database to reveal ‘new’ kinds of transportation-related risks. To this end, we combined publicly available public and private databases related to: hazardous materials transportation and Natura 2000 areas; congested areas and large scale public events; hazardous materials transportation and multi-functional areas.
      Our approach makes clear that combination of existing databases has great potential for the safety authorities to develop their risk profiles, do their business intelligence and creating steering dash-boards for their own budget allocations.

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