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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 3-4, 2019 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Preventie en de aanpak van radicaliseren en terrorisme: een herziening

Trefwoorden Radicalisation and Terrorism, American Wars, Activism of Hope, Mental Health and Prevention
Auteurs Carl H.D. Steinmetz

    About half (54%) of Dutch mental health care have patients who radicalize. This delivery room for radical losers deserves more attention. The GGZ will then have to emerge from the stalled discourse, that radicalization is not a psychiatric disorder. An important breeding ground for these and other ‘delivery rooms’ are apart from factors like social and psychological influences, and grievances about social, economic and health inequalities (Bhui et al., 2014), the wars that are initiated annually by the United States from 1798, with or without the help of the United Kingdom, the European Union and therefore the Netherlands. This article argues that ‘fire should not be fired with fire’. It is argued for the implementation of Activism of Hope (Lleshi, 2018) with its own grandfathers, such as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Finally, an action perspective for all young people in the tumultuous phase of adolescence is proposed for education- and care institutions.

Carl H.D. Steinmetz
Carl H.D. Steinmetz is managing director at Expats & Immigrants B.V.

Psychosociale aspecten van crisismanagement: taken en uitdagingen voor bestuur en beleid

Een analyse van recente casuïstiek

Trefwoorden Crisisbeheersing, Bevolkingszorg, Psychosociale aspecten, Leiderschap
Auteurs Michel Dückers, Wera van Hoof en Jorien Holsappel

    Crises and disasters can seriously affect the health, well-being and functioning of the people involved. From a governance perspective, it is important that public leaders and crisis managers are aware of what the psychosocial dimension of crisis management entails. The objective of the current contribution is to analyse dilemmas and challenges described in evaluations of crises that occurred in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2016. Thirty-six evaluations were analysed against the background of a theoretical framework combining crisis leadership tasks and psychosocial support principles along the crisis life cycle. Public leaders and crisis managers had to deal with classical crisis problems concerning coordination, collaboration and communication. Other recurring themes were linked to social media, and the tension between tasks such as meaning making (social recognition), account giving and learning. Moreover, the analysis illustrates how difficult it is to gain insight into the needs, problems and vulnerabilities of the individuals and groups affected.

Michel Dückers
Michel Dückers is programmaleider rampen en milieudreigingen bij Nivel – Nederlands instituut voor onderzoek van de gezondheidszorg.

Wera van Hoof
Wera van Hoof is beleidsadviseur en -‍onderzoeker bij ARQ Kenniscentrum Impact.

Jorien Holsappel
Jorien Holsappel is senior beleidsadviseur en -onderzoeker bij ARQ Kenniscentrum Impact.

‘Gelukkig is geen ramp ontstaan’

De omgang met slachtoffers na grote branden

Trefwoorden victim needs, social justice, disasters, fires, legal settlement
Auteurs Michael Blommers

    Based on a retrospective analysis of six large scale and fatal fires in the Netherlands, an improvement in terms of meeting the needs of victims can be seen. A comparison of the legal settlement of these fires shows mayor differences in the fulfilling of different aspects of social justice that are identified in social psychology. Two victim needs commonly associated with retributive justice – financial compensation and a thorough, neutral investigation into the causes of the disaster – were fulfilled to a higher degree after the most recent fires than after those that occurred decades ago. The legal settlement after the New Year’s fire in Volendam (2001) appears – at least on paper – to have been more just from the victim’s point of view than the ones after the other incidents. Empirical research into the experienced social justice after the New Year’s fire can be valuable to assess the factors that can lead to a just settlement after disasters.

Michael Blommers
Michael Blommers is een in de praktijk werkzame onderzoeker en verbonden aan Spuistraat 10 Advocaten te Amsterdam.

Kickboksen, een Marokkaanse route naar succes?

Trefwoorden Kickboksen, Marokko, Chicago, Wacquant
Auteurs Frank van Gemert

    Loïc Wacquant conducted ethnographic research in the ghetto of Chicago and describes the route to social mobility that black boxers try to follow as they train in the gym and build body capital. Based on similar research methods, this article compares the black boxers to two episodes of kickboxing in Amsterdam. Wacquant is not hopeful when it comes to social mobility of the boxers, as he sees their boxing careers as confirmation of their low position in society. In the first Dutch episode, kickboxers manage to combine body work in the gym with working in the nightlife economy. They make money but are unaware of the danger of getting involved in criminal activities, and a number of fighters end up in prison or even dead. Currently, kickboxing is very popular with young Moroccans. Having seen what went wrong in the previous episode, Moroccan trainers keep a close watch on their pupils, and make sure they realize that what happens outside and after kickboxing is what really matters.

Frank van Gemert
Frank van Gemert is als Assistant Professor werkzaam bij de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, vakgroep criminologie van de VU Amsterdam.

Veiligheid uit de glazen bol?

Naar verantwoorde toepassingen van big data in het veiligheidscomplex

Trefwoorden Big data, Security, good governance
Auteurs Remco Spithoven en Siri Beerends

    The promises of Big Data, predictive policing and artificial intelligence hold a key position in the public debate for quite some time now. Optimists tell that it is possible to predict where criminal events will occur before they take place. This would implicate a major shift towards a crime and insecurity preventive society, feeding on our cultural longing for a secure future. Therefore we give algorithms and deep learning access to more and more aspects of our lives. But how realistic and desirable is the application of Big Data techniques in the area of security?
    In this article we put focus on the research question ‘In which way can Big Data and predictive policing support good governance of security?’, that has led our study. By exploring the central concepts, the processes behind them and their results in the domain of public security, we conclude that there are only rather disappointing results from the application of these techniques: crime and insecurity have not dropped when the police and other organizations turned to Big Data techniques. Instead, many negative side effects occurred. We search for explanations in six central academic critiques on the application of these techniques in the area of security.
    We have found several ways to guaranty principles of good governance in the application of Big Data techniques, but these require a firm paradigm shift on Big Data in general. The heuristics of security professionals should not be overshadowed by technological promises: the professional should always be in the loop, must understand the way predictions come into existence and must be able to correct flaws and bugs of (semi-)automated decisions. We conclude that safeguarding public security must remain human work in which Big Data techniques can assist.

Remco Spithoven
Remco Spithoven is lector Maatschappelijke Veiligheid aan de Hogeschool Saxion en redacteur van dit tijdschrift.

Siri Beerends
Siri Beerends is cultureel socioloog, onderzoeker en schrijver bij SETUP en pro‍movenda aan de Universiteit Twente.

Teun Eikenaar
Teun Eikenaar is antropoloog en werkzaam als postdoctoraal onderzoeker aan de Radboud Universiteit en de Nederlandse Defensie Academie.

Aankondiging: Symposium over Burgeropsporing

4 juni 2020, Avans Hogeschool ’s-Hertogenbosch