
De relatie tussen subtypen relationeel geweldplegers en de adviezen van de reclassering

Trefwoorden Relationeel geweld, Subtypen, B-SAFER, Reclassering
Auteurs Drs. Jill Thijssen en Prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter

Drs. Jill Thijssen
Jill Thijssen is als promovenda verbonden aan de afdeling Clinical Psychological Science van de Universiteit van Maastricht.

Prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter
Corine de Ruiter is als hoogleraar Forensische psychologie verbonden aan de Universiteit van Maastricht.
  • Samenvatting

      In the present study, the B-SAFER was coded for 146 files of spousal assault cases from the Dutch probation service. The aim of the study was twofold: (1) identifying subtypes of spousal assaulters and (2) examine the relationship between the subtypes found and the advice the probation officers gave to court. Four subtypes of assaulters were identified: family-only, generally violent/antisocial, low-level antisocial, and psychopathology. There was only a significant relationship between the subtypes and the advice on two of the ten advices. The type of advice showed a strong relationship with the region of the probation offices where the batterer was examined.

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