Recht der Werkelijkheid


Blame or Karma?

The attribution of Blame in the Childcare Benefits Affair

Trefwoorden Executive agencies, Blame, Childcare benefit affair, Policy implementation
Auteurs Sandra van Thiel en Koen Migchelbrink

Sandra van Thiel
Sandra van Thiel is professor of public management at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Koen Migchelbrink
Koen Migchelbrink is assistant professor of public administration at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The childcare benefits affair refers to a period between 2005 and 2019 in which an estimated 30,000 families were deliberately put into serious financial and personal harm by the tax administration because of often unjustified suspicions of fraudulent behaviour. Inquiries into the political and administrative causes and consequences led to a restructuring of the tax administration and the resignation of the cabinet at the beginning of 2021. By reconstructing the affair, we analyse what role politics and politicians played and how they attempted to avoid blame for the affair. Several strategies were used to avoid blame, including tasking a committee to write a report, restructuring the tax administration and promising swift compensation to the victims. The only party that seems to have avoided blame is parliament, despite multiple indications that members of parliament played an important role in the emergence of the affair.

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