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Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit

Meer op het gebied van Criminologie en veiligheid

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Aflevering 1, 2014 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Verzet. Een inleiding

Trefwoorden Birmingham School, Critical Criminology, commodification, Occupy, hackers
Auteurs Dr. Frank van Gemert en Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg

    In the introduction of the special issue of the Journal on Crime & Culture on ‘Resistance’, the editors focus on the theoretical history of the concept of resistance in the field of Criminology. Against the background of the Birmingham School and the themes and ideas of Critical Criminology, the authors argue that new issues are rebelled against, and new styles and rituals become en vogue. The street fighting man on the barricades is no longer the obvious icon, and resistance is not per se intergenerational, interclass or a confrontation between minorities and mainstream culture. Resistance may have epidemic proportions as the Arabic Spring. Movements like Occupy or WikiLeaks operate across borders, but resistance also includes subtle transgressions within organizations.

Dr. Frank van Gemert
Dr. Frank van Gemert werkt als universitair docent bij de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg
Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg is als universitair docent verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

‘Resistance Through Rituals’, ‘Policing the Crisis’ and the present conjuncture

Trefwoorden conjuncture, neo-liberalism, hegemony, subcultures, exceptional state
Auteurs Dr. Tony Jefferson

    This article deals with three questions. What did resistance mean in the 1970s and what does it mean today? Have the rituals of resistance changed over time? What is the status today of moral panic theory? These questions directly refer to ‘Resistance Through Rituals’ (1976) and ‘Policing the Crisis’ (1978). For that reason, one of the authors answers these key questions in a contemporary framework of hegemony, security and neoliberal politics, and points to the continuing relevance of the political and critical tradition of British cultural studies.

Dr. Tony Jefferson
Dr. Tony Jefferson is emeritus hoogleraar aan Keele University (UK). E-mail:

To resist = to create? Some thoughts on the concept of resistance in cultural criminology

Trefwoorden resistance, create, revolution, cultural criminology, transformation
Auteurs Dr. Keith Hayward en Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg

    This article provides a theoretical analysis of the label ‘resistance’. It sets out from the premise that the notion of resistance, although it has been current in criminology for some time, is still vaguely defined. We argue that resistance is not just a negative term, but can also be seen as a positive and creative force in society. As such, the primary function of resistance is to serve as a solvent of doxa, to continuously question obviousness and common sense. In the process of resistance we distinguish three processes: invention, imitation and transformation. The third stage warrants deeper investigation within cultural criminology.

Dr. Keith Hayward
Dr. Keith Hayward is hoogleraar criminologie aan de School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent (UK). E-mail:

Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg
Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg is als universitair docent verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Jusqu’ici tout va bien. Jongeren en de productie van parochiale plaatsen in La Haine

Trefwoorden La Haine, parochial space, tactics, youth, socialisation
Auteurs Mattias De Backer en Dr. Jenneke Christiaens

    La Haine (Kassovitz, 1995) shows practices of resistance of youngsters in public space. Next to the traditional milieus of socialisation – at home, at school or in institutionalised leisure facilities – youngsters demand their ‘place’ in public space. In doing so, they partly privatise public space (‘parochial space’). In this article we argue that transgressive behaviour of youngsters should be conceptualised as both a side-effect of growing up and socialisation, and as resistance against adult domination, especially in public space. As such, hanging around is cause and effect of control and criminalisation.

Mattias De Backer
Mattias De Backer MSc is onderzoeker bij de vakgroep Criminologie en de onderzoeksgroep Crime & Society van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. E-mail:

Dr. Jenneke Christiaens
Dr. Jenneke Christiaens is universitair (hoofd)docent aan de vakgroep Criminologie en verbonden aan de onderzoeksgroep Crime & Society van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. E-mail:

Rituelen in krakersverzet

Trefwoorden Squatters, social movement, rituals, resistance
Auteurs Dr. Frank van Gemert, Deanna Dadusc en Rutger Visser

    This article examines the transformations in form and function of rituals in the squatting movement in Amsterdam. Upon roaring early years, rituals emerged around the search for houses to squat, the actual squatting and evictions. These rituals were recognized and used by squatters as well as other parties and they have contributed to the reduction of violence. Meanwhile, squatting in the Netherlands was prohibited and the question arises if, in this new situation, form and function of rituals have changed too. The findings shed some light on the broader link between rituals and resistance.

Dr. Frank van Gemert
Dr. Frank van Gemert werkt als universitair docent bij de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Deanna Dadusc
Deanna Dadusc MSc is promovenda bij de Universiteit Utrecht en University of Kent (UK). E-mail:

Rutger Visser
Rutger Visser MSc is freelance onderzoeker, docent criminologie voor het NCOI en verbonden aan de sectie Politiestudies van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail:

Commodifying compliance? UK urban music and the new mediascape

Trefwoorden street culture, Grime, frustration, defiance, resistance
Auteurs Dr. Jonathan Ilan

    Subcultural theory and cultural criminology have traditionally viewed ‘underground’ youth movements as providing images of deviance/resistance which the cultural industries harvest to turn a profit. The logic follows that street and sub cultures imbue products with a ‘transgressive edge’ that increases their appeal within youth markets. This paper uses the example of UK ‘grime’ music to demonstrate how this dynamic cannot be viewed as applying universally in contemporary times. Where their street orientated content is censured, many grime artistes express a desire for commercial success which would ultimately emerge through muting their rhetorical links to crime and violence and explicitly championing ‘mainstream’ values. This case is used as an empirical cue to explore the use and critique of the concept of ‘resistance’ within cultural criminology and subcultural theory. The paper problematizes commodification of resistance discourses as they apply to the rugged culture of the streets and indeed its supposed ‘oppositional’ character where disadvantaged urban youth clearly embody and practice the logic of neoliberalism. It furthermore suggests that certain critiques of cultural criminology go too far in denying any meaning to criminality and subcultural practice beyond consumer desire. Ultimately, the concept of ‘defiance’ is suggested as a useful tool to understand the norms of and behaviours of the excluded.

Dr. Jonathan Ilan
Dr. Jonathan Ilan is universitair docent bij de School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent (UK). E-mail:

Verzet of collaboratie? Hoe de strijd tegen genocide kan bijdragen aan genocide

Trefwoorden Rwanda, genocide against the Tutsi, denial, politics of genocide
Auteurs Roland Moerland

    The politization of the concept of genocide by Western states has been severely criticised, because it has led to an impunity for genocidal crimes. In certain instances however, such criticism has contributed to the dynamic of victimization, instead of resisting it. The article discusses how Professor Edward S. Herman and journalist David Peterson’s staunch criticism of the politics of genocide amounts to a brazen denial of the genocide against the Tutsi which recycles much of the extremist discourse of the former Rwandan authorities that were implicated in genocide. In this case Herman and Peterson’s resistance against the politics of genocide has profound implications, several of which the article will address.

Roland Moerland
Mr. Roland Moerland is als docent en onderzoeker verbonden aan de vakgroep Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Maastricht. E-mail: roland.moerland@

Over kenmerken van sociale onrust en verzet

Trefwoorden Social media, Arab Spring, English riots, distributive injustice, procedural injustice
Auteurs Drs. Hans Moors

    Recent scientific literature and media focus on new styles, rituals and instruments in the phenomena of social disorder and resistance. People fight for new issues, in changing in/out group settings, with social media as a means to an end that often is not so obvious from the start. The various, dynamic local contexts define how and why these new ambitions and techniques become trenchant.From a long term perspective patterns and appearances do change, but (perceived) distributive injustice and procedural injustice remain the key drivers motivating social disorder and resistance. Feeding on recent studies about the immediate aftermath of the Second World War (1945), the Arab Spring (2010-2011), and the British ‘Summer of Discontent’ (2011), this article reconsiders the question: what’s new?

Drs. Hans Moors
Drs. Hans Moors is oprichter en partner van Lokaal Centraal – Expertgroep Maatschappelijke Vraagstukken BV. E-mail:

Meest gelezen artikelen van de afgelopen 24 maanden