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Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging


Dutch influence on the reform of the Macedonian system of civil enforcement

Trefwoorden bailiffs, civil enforcement, direct enforcement, dejudicialization
Auteurs Prof. dr. T. Zoroska-Kamilovska

Prof. dr. T. Zoroska-Kamilovska
Prof. Dr T. Zoroska-Kamilovska is Associate Professor of Civil Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law ‘Iustinianus Primus’, Ss. Cyril and Methodius State University in Skopje, of the Republic of Macedonia.
  • Samenvatting

      The Macedonian system of civil enforcement has long been construed as a reflection of the principle of “re-adjudication upon the original request for legal protection”. The worryingly low execution rate and the excessive length of the enforcement procedure have imposed the necessity of urgent “restructuring” of the entirety of the enforcement system, and the Dutch model has served as an excellent role-model. This article provides a short overview of the characteristic features of the Macedonian enforcement system, and the degree to which they correspond to the Dutch model of civil enforcement.

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