Markt & Mededinging


Tenth Amendment of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition – Have the New Tools ‘Come to Stay?’

Trefwoorden German Act, Tenth Amendment, Duits mededingingsrecht, Duitsland
Auteurs Jochen Glöckner

Jochen Glöckner
Prof. dr. iur. Jochen Glöckner LL.M. (USA) is Professor of law at the University of Konstanz/Germany, Chair for German and European Private and Economic Law and judge at the Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe.
  • Samenvatting

      On 19 January 2021, the Tenth Amendment of the German Act against Restraints of Competition has entered into force. This article will briefly recapitulate the reasons behind the last amendment, summarize the main elements of the amendments including the first experiences with them, and focus on its core element – the special scrutiny of conduct of undertakings which are of paramount significance for competition across markets – and its future running alongside the EU’s Digital Markets Act.

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