
Minimumstraffen en de dovemansoren van de wetgever

Trefwoorden minimum sentences, sentencing goals, retribution, penal populism
Auteurs Sigrid van Wingerden

Sigrid van Wingerden
Mr. drs. Sigrid van Wingerden is PhD-fellow bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Early this year, a bill was introduced proposing mandatory minimum sentences in the Netherlands. Despite harsh criticism from within the legal complex, the bill has not been withdrawn, instead its scope has been broadened. This article states that the reasons given for the introduction of mandatory minimum sentences have no empirical foundation and that the objectives of the bill will not be reached: mandatory minimum sentences will not contribute to the prevention of crime. The reason for the introduction of the bill is nothing less than a textbook example of penal populism.

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