Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De ervaren mogelijkheden om te re-integreren vanuit detentie

Trefwoorden Prison life, staff-prisoner relationships, correctional officers, rehabilitation, survey
Auteurs Toon Molleman en Karin Lasthuizen

Toon Molleman
Toon Molleman is strategisch management adviseur bij de divisie gevangeniswezen en vreemdelingenbewaring van de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen.

Karin Lasthuizen
Karin Lasthuizen is universitair hoofddocent Bestuurskunde aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article we examine which factors are correlated to the rehabilitation of prisoners. Central is the prisoners’ willingness during their imprisonment to work on a successful return in society. Assumptions derived from the theory were statistically tested with data from the Dutch Detainee Survey 2014; a large-scale study, in which prisoners held in all Dutch penitentiary institutions (N = 29) were surveyed (n = 2120). The results are in line with the theory and show that detainees are more positive about their (potential for) rehabilitation when they are more satisfied with a) the way they are treated by correctional officers (staff orientation); b) active deployment of the so-called Detention and Re-integration Plan; c) their daily program and activities, and; d) the experienced autonomy and personal decision-making. These outcomes offer fruitful perspectives on how the prison system can promote a successful return of prisoners in our society.

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