
Neurogeheugendetectietests in de Nederlandse strafrechtspleging: hoop of huiver?

Trefwoorden neurogeheugendetectie, Opsporingsmethode, Zwijgrecht, Neurotests, brain-imaging, neurolaw, concealed information
Auteurs Mr. Naomi van Burgsteden

Mr. Naomi van Burgsteden
Mr. Naomi van Burgsteden is juridisch medewerker bij Stichting Rechtswinkel Utrechtse Heuvelrug.
  • Samenvatting

      Neuroscience teaches us that we can obtain information about the brain by the use of neuro tests. An example of a neuro test is the concealed information test (CIT). This test examines whether a suspect recognizes specific details of a criminal offence. Afterwards experts can conclude whether the suspect has knowledge of a criminal offence, which only a perpetrator can know. This way a CIT contributes by the detection and adjudication of criminal offences. In recent decades, the interest in neuro tests such as the CIT has increased, also at the Ministry of Justice and Security. Based on the existing literature, both advantages and disadvantages of the CIT are discussed in this article.

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