
Wijken waar gepraat wordt

Een onderzoek naar de percepties van het contact tussen bewoners en politie op de Oostelijke Eilanden

Trefwoorden sociale cohesie, politie, vertrouwen, samenwerking
Auteurs Marlijn Peeters en Anouk Smeenk

Marlijn Peeters
Marlijn Peeters is werkzaam als onderzoeker bij de eenheid Amsterdam, DRIO, Analyse & Onderzoek.

Anouk Smeenk
Anouk Smeenk werkt als onderzoeker bij Avans Hogeschool, Centre of Expertise Veilige en Veerkrachtige Stad en Omgeving (VVSO).
  • Samenvatting

      A police team in central Amsterdam experiences difficulties in their contact with the local community. Partly due to a history of violence in the neighbourhood. They aspire to improve the contact. A qualitative empirical study was conducted by interviewing police officers, community workers and residents. With the aim to explore all perspectives from involved actors. The perception of difficult contact is confirmed by both the police, community workers and residents. It seems to be related to communication after incidents and reporting to the police. There are opportunities to become more approach­able in this closed community and to improve the response after an informal report to the police. In this article the outcomes of the empirical and theoretical study are presented and recommendations are towards the police team and the local government.

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