Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Acute dreigingen, vage geruchten

Opsporing van terroristische misdrijven en de handelingsruimte van politie- en justitiefunctionarissen

Trefwoorden criminal investigation, terrorism, discretionary authority, street-level bureaucrats
Auteurs Dr. Barbra van Gestel en Dr. Christianne de Poot

Dr. Barbra van Gestel
Dr. B. van Gestel is socioloog en is als onderzoeker werkzaam voor het WODC.

Dr. Christianne de Poot
Dr. C.J. de Poot is senior onderzoeker bij het WODC en tevens lector Forensisch Onderzoek bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Politieacademie.
  • Samenvatting

      Since 2007 the police and the public prosecution service in the Netherlands can apply special investigative powers in case of ‘indications’ of a terrorist offense. To investigate signs of terrorism, a suspicion is no longer needed. The underlying assumption behind this extension is that the ‘old’ legislation offers insufficient opportunities to investigate signs of terrorism in an early phase. In this article we examine this assumption about the action space of investigating officers. For the period 2007-2011, we examined how investigating officers responded to signs of terrorism in practice, what investigative powers they used, and how they – as street level bureaucrats – handled their discretionary authority. The research shows that police and judiciary officials are very well able to investigate signs of terrorism with the already existing powers, and that they have made little use of the new ‘indications’ criterion

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