Justitiële verkenningen


De bijrol voor professionals in evidence-based criminaliteitspreventie

Trefwoorden professionalization, evidence-based practice, crime prevention, What Works, treatment program
Auteurs Dr. B. Rovers

Dr. B. Rovers
Dr. Ben Rovers is directeur van het Bureau voor Toegepast Veiligheidsonderzoek (BTVO) te Den Bosch en tevens redactieraadlid van Justitiële verkenningen.
  • Samenvatting

      The role of professionals in evidence-based crime prevention is a topic of discussion. The dominant view in the criminal justice field is that professionals are to support and faithfully execute evidence-based treatment programs based on risk factors for future crime. In other disciplines we find alternative approaches to evidence-based practice (EBP) in which the professionals, and more specifically features of the working alliance between professional and client, are considered to be the treatment program. In general, these approaches focus on treatment motivation and behavioural change. ‘Common factors’ like faith in outcome, trust between professional and client, et cetera, are considered as specific treatment factors. Empirical evidence shows that this may be a more fruitful approach towards effective interventions. The article looks into the scientific background of both perspectives and explains the key differences. It is concluded that EBP in criminal justice can gain from a (research) perspective in which professionals play a more central role.

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