The social abstinence imposed by governments in many countries in response to the corona pandemic raises interesting questions and research opportunities. One of those questions is how crime develops in times of forced stay at home and reduced social interaction. That question is the focus of this article. In their analysis, the authors use police data from the Corona Crime Change Monitor for twelve ‘corona months’ (mid-March 2020-mid-March 2021) and compare the development of crime in that period with the development in the same period a year earlier. |

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Inleiding |
Auteurs | Marit Scheepmaker en Edwin Kruisbergen |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Trefwoorden | social disruption, empirical research, lockdown, routine activity theory, crime opportunity theory |
Auteurs | Edwin Kruisbergen, Marco Haas, Lisa van Es e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Stay home, stay safe?De gevolgen van COVID-19-maatregelen op huiselijk geweld in Nederland |
Trefwoorden | Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown, domestic violence, child abuse, (ex-)partner violence |
Auteurs | Anne Coomans, Sjoukje van Deuren, Meintje van Dijk e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in March 2020, there have been concerns worldwide about an increase in domestic violence and child abuse as a result of the measures taken to combat the pandemic. This article is based on a systematic study of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the magnitude, nature and severity of domestic violence. A brief overview of the literature is presented as a basis for the assumptions made about a possible increase in domestic violence. The design of the study is discussed as well as the first descriptive results and trends. The authors come to the preliminary conclusion that there is no deviating trend compared to domestic violence reports in 2019, the year prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. The future direction of the research project is also discussed. |
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Naleving van gedragsmaatregelen tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie |
Trefwoorden | compliance, social distancing, facemask, curfew, video-analysis |
Auteurs | Joska Appelman, Kiki Bijleveld, Peter Ejbye-Ernst e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Dutch government has implemented several rules and regulations during the pandemic. Compliance with these rules and regulations is crucial for its effectiveness. In the current article, the authors give an overview of research findings from three different studies looking at compliance with the COVID-19 mitigating measures in the Netherlands. In these studies, both manual and computer-based video-analysis is used to give insight in the behavior of people on the streets of Amsterdam. Study 1 monitors compliance with the social distancing directive and stay-at-home advice, showing that people keep less distance when it is crowded on the street. Study 2 focusses on compliance with mandatory mask-wearing and shows that mask-wearing increases with the implementation of the mandatory mask areas, but crowding does not decrease. Finally, Study 3 looks at compliance of citizens during the curfew and shows that streets became far less crowded after 9 p.m. during curfew nights. |
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Misleiding tijdens de coronapandemieOver nepnieuws, complotdenken en maatschappelijke ontvankelijkheid |
Trefwoorden | disinformation, conspiracy activism, social receptivity, law enforcement, security |
Auteurs | Peter Klerks |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In the corona period, phenomena such as disinformation and conspiracy activism have taken on a greater and more disturbing significance. This article provides a first problem picture of current manifestations in the broader social context and offers tentative explanations. It looks in turn at who makes and distributes the fake news, what role conspiracy activism plays in this, what is known about social receptivity, and what the implications are for law enforcement and security. Finally, an action perspective is presented. |
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Rechtspleging in jeugdbeschermingszaken tijdens de coronacrisisEen verslag van lopend onderzoek |
Trefwoorden | vulnerable litigants, youth protection law, fundamental rights, procedural justice, remote justice |
Auteurs | Eddy Bauw, Yasemin Glasgow, Anne Janssen e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This contribution reports on an ongoing study into the impact of the COVID pandemic on the rights of vulnerable litigants in the handling of court cases concerning supervision orders and custodial placements of juveniles. The research is based on interviews with judges, lawyers and other professionals in the youth protection chain and a survey among litigants. The central question is whether the handling of these cases should be considered acceptable from the perspective of procedural and fundamental rights. In addition, the procedural justice experienced by litigants is examined. The preliminary results, based on desk research and interviews, is that of varyingly successful improvisations with telephone and digital hearings, in which procedural and fundamental rights could not be fully realized. This is mainly due to technical problems and the complexity of judicial case management under these circumstances. The interviewees differed about whether the bottom of what is acceptable was reached and how often this was the case. The final report will take stock of this and draw lessons for the future. |
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Sekswerk ten tijde van coronaDe impact van de lockdown op sekswerkers |
Trefwoorden | lockdown, prohibition of prostitution, sex workers, financial problems, state subsidies |
Auteurs | Roos de Wildt |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
As a part of measures taken to contain the spread of the coronavirus, sex work was barred in the Netherlands between 23 March and 1 July 2020, as well as between 15 december 2020 and 19 May 2021. Shortly after the start of the first lockdown, many sex workers appeared to be in increasingly precarious situations. They lost their main source of income but were largely excluded from receiving financial support provided by the Dutch government. This article examines the situation of sex workers during the first lockdown and in the weeks after they were permitted to resume work. |