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Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Over de esthetica van het recht

Tragedie en christendom

Trefwoorden Tragedie, Esthetica, Dionysisch, Apollinisch, Liefde
Auteurs Dr. Timo Slootweg

Dr. Timo Slootweg
Dr. T.J.M. Slootweg is historicus en filosoof. Hij doceert Rechtsfilosofie en ethiek aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. Hij publiceerde onlangs: Uit de schaduw van de wet. Inleiding tot de esthetica van het recht (Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant 2016).
  • Samenvatting

      Aesthetics of law entails a philosophical inquiry into the art and beauty of jurisprudence. In respect to this field of inquiry, Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy (1872) has been largely ignored. Since Socrates’ ‘emancipation’ of the apollonian from the Dionysian element, the art of politics and law, has been founded almost exclusively on logic and scientific knowledge. This tradition of nihilistic ‘socratism’, culminated eventually in legalism and legal positivism that have subdued the acknowledgement of life, subjectivity and creativity. In line with Nietzsche, this article explores the prospective of a ‘rebirth of tragedy’. But in difference to him, it designates this rebirth to develop from out of the spirit of Christianity and Christian existentialism. Paul Scholten in particular, is interpreted as one whose biblical personalist approach resounds this tragic sense of law.

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