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Tijdschrift voor Criminologie

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Aflevering 1, 2020 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Vooruitgang in de victimologie

Auteurs Dr. Lisa van Reemst, Prof. dr. mr. Maarten Kunst en Prof. dr. Antony Pemberton

Dr. Lisa van Reemst
Dr. L. van Reemst is universitair docent, sectie Criminologie, Erasmus Universiteit Criminologie en Postdoc onderzoeker, NSCR

Prof. dr. mr. Maarten Kunst
Prof. dr. mr. M.J.J. Kunst is hoogleraar aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden

Prof. dr. Antony Pemberton
Prof. dr. A. Pemberton is senior-onderzoeker NSCR, hoogleraar herstelrecht, LINC, KU Leuven en hoogleraar victimologie Tilburg University

Access_open In het belang van het slachtoffer

De bijdrage van strafrechtelijke contact-, locatie- en gebiedsverboden aan de veiligheidsbeleving van slachtoffers van geweldsdelicten en stalking

Trefwoorden protection order, victim, safety perception, vulnerability, procedural justice
Auteurs Irma Cleven MSc PhD, Tamar Fischer MSc en Prof. mr. Sanne Struijk

    This study describes how penal protection orders contribute to victim perceptions of safety, drawing upon data collected via a victim survey (n=101). Perceived victim safety is explored based on the factors of personal vulnerability, procedural justice, and experiences with compliance and enforcement. Results show that more than half of the victims in this study does not feel safer because of the protection order. The effects of the orders are even weaker for feelings of relaxation and feelings of anger about the situation. An increase in perceptions of control over the situation appears to be the most important predictor of an increase in feelings of safety and a decrease in feelings of anger, but is unrelated to an increase in feelings of relaxation. The effect of procedural justice differs per outcome measure. It is associated positively with increased feelings of safety, but negatively with decreased feelings of anger because of the protection order. The positive association with feelings of safety is partly indirect via personal vulnerability. Findings result in various suggestions for future research.

Irma Cleven MSc PhD
I.W.M. Cleven MSc is PhD kandidaat bij de sectie criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Tamar Fischer MSc
Dr. T. Fischer is universitair hoofddocent criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Prof. mr. Sanne Struijk
Prof. mr. S. Struijk is universitair hoofddocent straf(proces)recht aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en tevens bijzonder hoogleraar Penologie en penitentiair recht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

De rol van slachtoffercompensatie in de publieke waardering van strafoplegging

Trefwoorden victim compensation, criminal justice system, public opinion, punishment
Auteurs Dr. Janne van Doorn, Prof. dr. mr. Maarten Kunst, Dr. Jelle Brands e.a.

    In the current study it was investigated to what extent the presence or absence of victim compensation influences public judgments about punishment by the general public. Results show that whether or not the victim is awarded compensation, both in the case of physical assault and burglary, did not influence the extent to which the general public agrees with the punishment imposed by the judge. Participants do consider it important that a victim has the opportunity to apply for compensation for non-material damage suffered.

Dr. Janne van Doorn
Dr. J. van Doorn is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden

Prof. dr. mr. Maarten Kunst
Prof. dr. mr. Maarten Kunst is Hoogleraar aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Dr. Jelle Brands
Dr. J. Brands is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden

Prof. dr. Jan de Keijser
Prof. dr. J. de Keijser is Hoogleraar aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Tussen de regels door: hoe slachtofferschap bevestigd, bevraagd en ontkend wordt

Trefwoorden victimization, framing, #MeToo, sexual violence, observer interpretation
Auteurs Drs. Eva Mulder en Dr. mr. Alice Bosma

    Using frame analyses, the authors explore how people confirm, question or deny victimization, or refrain from interpretation. A frame consists of a problem definition (acts), the diagnosis of causes (identifying actors), and moral judgments. Results confirm that the interaction between factors defines the interpretation of victimization. Similar acts (for instance the consumption of alcohol) are ascribed different meanings depending on the type of frame. The positioning of actors in a frame determines who or what is perceived responsible for the (moral) judgment.

Drs. Eva Mulder
Drs. E. Mulder is promovenda bij INTERVICT van Tilburg University.

Dr. mr. Alice Bosma
Dr. mr. A.K. Bosma is universitair docent bij het Department of Criminal Law van Tilburg University.

De kracht van verbinding

Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van lotgenotencontact voor nabestaanden van zware verkeersdelicten

Trefwoorden peer support, co-victims, traffic offenses, Big Two, narratives
Auteurs Dr. Pauline Aarten, Pien van de Ven MSc en Rik Ceulen MSc

    For co-victims of severe traffic offenses in the Netherlands, peer support is offered. However, no research into the meaning of peer support for this specific group of victims has been conducted. In this study, nineteen narrative interviews with co-victims of traffic offenses were collected. These interviews show that through dialogue and the sharing of experiences, as well as the care and support for each other, peer support offers the possibility to work on the meaning-making of the traffic offense and its aftermath. The article ends with policy implications and steps for follow-up research.

Dr. Pauline Aarten
Dr. P.G.M. Aarten is universitair docent bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs van de Universiteit Leiden.

Pien van de Ven MSc
P. van de Ven MSc is promovenda bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) & Slachtofferhulp Nederland

Rik Ceulen MSc
R. Ceulen MSc is criminoloog bij gemeente Tilburg.

Victimologie en corruptie: over de slachtoffers van een (al dan niet) slachtofferloos delict

Een multidisciplinaire verkenning

Trefwoorden bribery, corruption, victims, victimless crimes, victim identification
Auteurs Suzanne van Dijk MSc en Mr. drs. Moniek Hutten

    There is no clear answer to the question if corruption makes victims. Currently an (international) discussion is taking place about this matter. On the one hand it can be discussed that corruption in general does not know any direct victims and that corruption can even take place without any damage. On the other hand it is known that corruption can cause tremendous public and financial damage, with society as a whole as the victim of this crime, whether or not in primary gradation. In the underlying article these two perspectives will be discussed and applied on two cases. Special attention will also be paid to the impact and relevance of pointing out the victims.

Suzanne van Dijk MSc
S.L. van Dijk MSc is criminoloog bij het FIOD – Anti-Corruptie Centrum.

Mr. drs. Moniek Hutten
Mr. drs. M. Hutten is vaktechnisch adviseur en criminoloog bij het FIOD – Anti-Corruptie Centrum.

Gedetineerd via de achterdeur: juridisch en criminologisch onderzoek naar omzetting en herroeping van vrijheidsbeperkende sancties

Trefwoorden omzetting taakstraf, Herroeping voorwaardelijke sanctie, reclasseringstoezicht, Europese minimumregels community sanctions and measures, Europese reclasseringsregels
Auteurs Prof. dr. Miranda Boone

    This contribution provides an overview of the legal and criminological research into the decision following the determination of a supervisor that the conditions of a freedom-restricting sanction are not met. It is an important decision, on the one hand because it can result in a more severe sanction than was initially imposed, on the other hand because a decision that is perceived as unfair can influence the extent to which suspects and convicts are willing to comply with conditions, and recidivism. Yet little research has been conducted into this decision. The legal safeguards with which it is accompanied are lagging behind those of the original sentencing decision. Undeserved according to penitentiary experts. The scarce empirical research shows that decision-making involves many different layers and that the actors involved have different goals, ranging from deterrence and emphasizing the credibility of the system to the successful completion of the sanction. Even in countries where regulations have been tightened considerably, the discretionary power of direct supervisors, such as employees of the working project or therapists, is still large. This raises the question to what extent the final decision maker (usually a judge) still has sufficient room to make an independent decision.

Prof. dr. Miranda Boone
Prof. dr. M.M. Boone is hoogleraar Criminologie en Vergelijkende Penologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Verwachtingen op plaats delict

Auteurs Dr. Lotte van Dillen

Dr. Lotte van Dillen
Dr. L.F. van Dillen is universitair hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Leiden

Het incasseren van ongenoegen

Auteurs Dr. Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard MA

Dr. Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard MA
Dr. M.R. Lindegaard MA is senior onderzoeker bij het NSCR en universitair hoofddocent Sociologie aan de Universiteit van Kopenhagen.