The Financial Action Task Force reported that money launderers may operate in professional money laundering networks. Whether such money laundering networks operate in the Netherlands is unclear. In this article the authors therefore explore whether professional money launderers collaborate in network structures and the business-like manner in which they offer their services. Business-like refers to their involvement in multiple cases, the amount of repeat customers, and excludes family relations. The research is based on Dutch police registrations of 236 professional money launderers. Our results suggest that professional money laundering networks are indeed active in the Netherlands and that money launderers in these networks offer their services in a business-like manner to a varying extent. An important caveat to the current findings is that the criminal cases analyzed predominantly pertain drug-related offenses, leaving the existence and professionalism of money laundering networks in other types of crime, like large-scale fraud, a question open for future research. |

Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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Artikel |
Trefwoorden | money laundering, financial facilitators, networked criminology, organized crime |
Auteurs | Jo-Anne Kramer, Arjan Blokland en Melvin Soudijn |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Een netwerkbenadering van de prostitutiesector in Noord-Nederland op basis van politieregistraties |
Trefwoorden | social network analysis, hidden population estimation, subgroup detection, key player problem, prostitution |
Auteurs | Johan Hiemstra, Gijs Huitsing en Jan Kornelis Dijkstra |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The aim of this study was to investigate the scale and network structure of prostitution in the northern provinces of the Netherlands. This study tries to answer three research questions – using a social network analysis – about (1) the size of the prostitution network, (2) the formation of subgroups, and (3) key positions within the networks. The findings show that approximately two thirds of the researched prostitution networks is still unregistered, while there are indications that the outcome of the estimate is in line with the actual situation. Furthermore, results show that prostitutes have a tendency to form subgroups on the basis of the same nationality, which indicates that homophily plays a role in the formation of subgroups. The identification of the actors who occupy key positions in the network were based on the key player problem (KPP). A striking finding was that organizers of prostitution (such as pimps) did not have a central position in the networks. These findings provide insight into the way in which prostitution is registered, and provide points of departure for interventions to disrupt the network or, on the contrary, to strengthen it. |
Artikel |
De Dark Triad persoonlijkheidskenmerken en online en offline agressie: een verkennende studie op basis van zelfrapportages van jonge adolescenten |
Trefwoorden | Dark Triad, self-reported aggression, psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism |
Auteurs | Clio Lambrechts, Lieven Pauwels en Wim Hardyns |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The current study investigates the relationship between the Dark Triad personality traits (consisting of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) and three different forms of aggression: online aggression, overt aggression and relational aggression. The sample consisted of 1,051 adolescents between 12 and 16 years old. Results show that psychopathy and Machiavellianism are positive predictors of the three forms of aggression, while narcissism is a positive predictor of online aggression only. |
Kroniek |
Plattelandscriminologie |
Trefwoorden | Rural criminology, Policing, Critical criminology, Cultural criminology, Environmental crime |
Auteurs | Toine Spapens |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Criminology has traditionally focused on urban areas where crime visibly concentrates. However, since the 1990s, attention for ‘rural criminology’ has steadily increased. First, rural areas are confronted with partly different and less visible crime problems, such as environmental crimes. Second, public actors such as enforcement and other agencies are less present and ‘available’ in rural areas, and people on average trust the government less to provide support when necessary. This chronicle presents an overview of international and Dutch research in the context of rural criminology. The paper addresses cultural differences between urban and rural areas, high-volume crimes, gender-related violence, alcohol and drug abuse, environmental crime, and enforcement in rural areas. |
Boekbespreking |
De bestudering van desistance from crime tijdens het stopproces |
Auteurs | Ido Weijers |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Crime victims and the police |
Auteurs | Alice Bosma |
Auteursinformatie |
Call for papers |
Jaarregister 2020 |
Externe beoordelaars |
Externe beoordelaars in 2020 van manuscripten voor varia- en themanummers |