This article explores victimisation by corporate violence on the basis of case studies, interviews and focus groups with victims and professionals carried out in the European project Victims and Corporations. The typical characteristics of victimisation by corporate violence are described, as well as the harmful effects for victims and their social context. The problematic aspects of tackling corporate violence through criminal procedures lead to a first evaluation of the possible contribution of restorative processes to this field on the basis of interviews and a focus group with restorative justice professionals. |

Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht
Meer op het gebied van Mediation en herstelrecht
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Column |
De Gouden Eeuw van het slachtofferschap |
Auteurs | Frans Douw |
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Redactioneel |
Bedrijfsgeweld en herstelrecht: een dringende uitdaging |
Auteurs | Ivo Aertsen en Katrien Lauwaert |
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Artikel |
Trefwoorden | victims, corporate violence, restorative justice |
Auteurs | Katrien Lauwaert |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Herstelrecht en slachtoffers van bedrijfsgeweld |
Trefwoorden | Corporate violence, Health, concepts of participation |
Auteurs | Ivo Aertsen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Whether and under which conditions restorative justice can be applied to cases of corporate violence is explored starting from the phenomenon of corporate violence, defined as acts committed by corporations in the course of their regular activities but with harmful consequences for people’s health. Specific characteristics of different types of corporate violence are presented, as well as victims’ needs, experiences and expectations. The applicability of restorative justice, but also the need of its rethinking, is discussed through an analysis of the role of its key actors and the concepts of participation and restoration. |
Discussie |
Ademloos. De wereldwijde asbestindustrie ontmaskerd |
Auteurs | Helena Muselaers |
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Boekbespreking |
Dader-slachtofferbemiddeling in de straftenuitvoerlegging in Duitsland |
Auteurs | Annemieke Wolthuis |
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Boekbespreking |
Het implementeren van herstelrecht in zaken waar kinderen bij betrokken zijn: hoe doe je dat?Herstelrecht met kinderen |
Auteurs | Anneke van Hoek |
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Signalement |
Van visie naar realiteitDe herstelrechtelijke praktijk en verbeelding vanuit Europees perspectief |
Auteurs | Marit de Haan |
Auteursinformatie |