Drs. Linde Broekhoven
Drs. L. Broekhoven is werkzaam als promovenda bij Pluryn en Amsterdam UMC.

Dr. Inge Simons
Dr. I. Simons is als Gz-psycholoog en senior onderzoeker verbonden aan Youz, onderdeel van Parnassia Groep.

Dr. Floor van Santvoort
Dr. F. van Santvoort is werkzaam als senior onderzoeker bij Pluryn.
  • Samenvatting

      The importance of family-centered care in residential youth care is widely recognized in research, as well as in practice and policies. Involving parents in residential treatment is frequently associated with positive outcomes. However, applying a family-centered vision in the practice of residential youth care remains challenging. A program for family-centered care is developed by the Academic Workplace for Risk Youth (AWRJ). The program emphasizes the importance of involving parents from the start of the placement. Parents should be informed about family activities in the institution. Professionals treat parents as ‘experts’ concerning their child and involve them in decisions. Furthermore, parents are asked about their needs and supported for participation. Another important part of the program is the possibility to start systemic therapy during placement and continuing the therapy when the youth returns home. This article also discusses how to overcome barriers in involving parents and how this program can be implemented successfully.

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