Frans Koenraadt
Prof. dr. F. Koenraadt is als gasthoogleraar Forensische psychiatrie en psychologie verbonden aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Aruba.

Simone van der Zee
Mr. Simone van der Zee EMTP woont en werkt sinds 2012 in de Caribische regio. Zij houdt zich bezig met criminologisch onderzoek, onderwijs en advies bij Risk Solutions Caribbean.
  • Samenvatting

      The central question in this contribution is what it means to be detained on a Caribbean island and more specifically in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. After a short historical and international exploration into different kinds of detention on small islands it is concluded that there remain large contrasts in penitentiary conditions between the countries in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The small scale of the islands has several consequences, such as the lack of specialized facilities, which means that vulnerable detainees cannot receive the care and attention they need. As a result, it may be necessary to transfer detainees to another island or country. On small islands, there are fewer opportunities to disperse dangerous detainees or rival gang members, which can lead to unsafe situations. Chronic budgetary problems and understaffing lead to poor living conditions and a shortage of opportunities for resocialisation. Efforts are being made in the Kingdom to improve detention conditions.

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