Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Het grensgebied als waterbed voor drugscriminaliteit?

Trefwoorden displacement, cross-border crime, organized drug crime, policy effectiveness, balloon effect
Auteurs Rik Ceulen, Stephan Van Nimwegen en Toine Spapens

Rik Ceulen
R. Ceulen MSc. is criminoloog bij de gemeente Tilburg.

Stephan Van Nimwegen
S.J.M. Van Nimwegen MCI is operationeel specialist/onderzoeker bij de Nationale Politie.

Toine Spapens
Prof. dr. A.C.M. Spapens is hoogleraar criminologie bij de Tilburg University.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper concerns the question whether in the period 2011-2017 displacement effects occurred from the Netherlands to Belgium in the context of synthetic drugs production, cannabis cultivation, and retail of illicit drugs, and if so, how these may be explained. We conclude that displacement took place in modi operandi of retail drug dealers. This is explained foremost by the policy of banning non-residents from Dutch coffeeshops in border region municipalities. Dealers and traffickers responded by switching to local distribution in Belgium as well as deliveries by drug couriers. The synthetic drugs and cannabis cultivation markets show minor changes in modi operandi, but no changes occurred in choosing production locations. Displacement effects in the context of organized drug crime must be explained from a range of factors. Reality is therefore more complex than assuming that government interventions are the main cause of a balloon effect.

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