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Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor mediation en conflictmanagement

Meer op het gebied van Mediation en herstelrecht

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Aflevering 4, 2009 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Bijdragen uit binnen- en buitenland

Auteurs Annie de Roo

Annie de Roo
Annie de Roo is hoofdredacteur TMD.

Heleen Witkamp
Heleen Witkamp is vFAS advocaat-scheidingsmediator, NMI-gecertificeerd mediator, Collaborative Divorce Advocaat.

De psychologisch geschoolde echtscheidingsbemiddelaar

Trefwoorden Officer of the Court, Healer of the Family, onpartijdigheid, empowerment
Auteurs Donald Mac Gillavry

    The legally trained divorce mediator, ‘the officer of the court’, can use the law as a frame of reference for his conduct, but the psychologically trained divorce mediator, ‘the healer of the family’ has no such device. His primary tools are techniques to improve the communication skills of parties, their decision-making process and respecting systemic regularities, in particular where it concerns the interests of the children, i.e. visitation rights.Divorce mediators without legal training are hampered by the absence of a clear frame of reference. They are susceptible to subjective interpretations of events, counter-transference phenomena and partiality. The divorce mediator is himself his most important instrument, but also the most vulnerable.

Donald Mac Gillavry
Donald Mac Gillavry is psycholoog, psychotherapeut en mediator.

Mediation in echtscheidingszaken: hoe eerder hoe beter

Trefwoorden escalatiegraad, scheidingsproces, overeenstemming, mediaton monitor
Auteurs Maurice Guiaux, Marijke ter Voert en Frederike Zwenk

    This article focuses on the different outcomes of mediation when starting at various moments in the divorce process. The assumption was that conflicts would escalate more the later the mediation began and as a consequence would affect the results of the mediation. This assumption was confirmed by research data. Not only is the chance of reaching agreement higher early in the divorce process, parties are also more satisfied with the mediation, regardless of the outcome. These results advocate referral to mediation in an early stage. However, referral to mediation should also be possible in a later stage.

Maurice Guiaux
Maurice Guiaux is werkzaam bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum van het ministerie van Justitie.

Marijke ter Voert
Marijke ter Voert is werkzaam bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum van het ministerie van Justitie.

Frederike Zwenk
Frederike Zwenk is werkzaam bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum van het ministerie van Justitie.

Als ouders apart wonen, gaan kinderen heen en weer

Een bespreking van enkele instrumenten gemaakt voor kinderen, ouders en dienstverleners

Trefwoorden scheiding, kinderen, ouders, kinderopvang
Auteurs Chris de Bruyne

    In this contribution media and other instruments which may contribute to the improvement of the life of parents and children during and after divorce are discussed. One such instrument is the film ‘What is mediation?”. The project was carried out by the Centre Education Daycare (Vormingscentrum Opvoeding Kinderopvang) and supported by the Flemish government and the King Boudewijn Foundation.

Chris de Bruyne
Chris de Bruyne is coördinator VCOK vzw, bemiddelaar in familiezaken.

An anthropologist’s approach to mediation

Trefwoorden cultuur, conflict, intercultureel
Auteurs Rebecca Golbert

    After a brief analysis of concepts of culture, conflict and conflict resolution, this contribution discusses how mediation and its practices are perceived in different cultures and countries. It appears that mediation is one of the most common forms of conflict resolution applied across a diverse range of cultures. In this respect, the author raises the question whether this also implies that there is a shared understanding of what mediation is or should be.

Rebecca Golbert
Rebecca Golbert received her D.Phil. in social anthropology from the University of Oxford in 2001. She has received fellowships from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research to support her postdoctoral research on memory and history of the Holocaust in Ukraine.

A pilgrim’s progress

A reflection on how the mediation process in Construction has evolved into the hands of the legal profession

Trefwoorden quantity surveyor, Construction disputes, lawyers
Auteurs Stuart Ness

    After having explained what the function and role of a quantity surveyor is, the author describes his first acquaintance with mediation in the construction industry. One of his major observations is that ‘we quantity surveyors have been mediating long before mediation was a twinkle in the eyes of the legal fraternity’.

Stuart Ness
Stuart Ness, is a chartered quantity surveyor with extensive experience in international construction claims case management and dispute resolution. He is also an accredited mediator under the auspices of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, and is the founding chairman of the Netherlands chapter of the Institute.

Over nut en noodzaak van goede geschillenregelingen voor (familie)bedrijven

Trefwoorden impasse, geschillenregeling, enquêterecht, deskundigenbericht
Auteurs dr. Bart Prinsen en Carmen Verschuur-Buijssen

    In companies people work together intensively, especially in family run companies. In such a situation, the interests (income, capital and employment) can be enormous when parties fail to live up to each others expectations.How to deal with situations when parties are in a dead-lock and the continuity of the business is at stake? Depending on the legal form of the company and the type of conflict, there are different legal actions to settle a (legal) conflict. However, there are so many rules and different procedures for each type of legal form, that it may dazzle the reader. Moreover, these procedures may take a long time, while the parties in a family dead-lock desire an expert/arbiter/mediator proceeding expeditiously.In a sense a marriage is also a family run company. The following experiences from the area of family law are described: the processes of a divorce, the break-up announcement (the opposite of the marriage proposal), the experiment in court with the so-called regierechter in family cases, the prenuptial agreement and the plan for parenthood after a divorce. Our conclusion is that in case of a dead-lock, parties need to have a good set of rules on the settlement of disputes, to find a qualified expert/arbiter/mediator having knowledge and experience in financial/tax/pension/legal matters and familiar with dealing with emotions in a deadlock.

dr. Bart Prinsen
Bart Prinsen is advocaat ondernemingsrecht bij MannaertsAppels AdvocatenNotarissen te Breda, lid van Teamwork = Maetwerk, expertisegroep bij conflicten en conflictbeheersing rondom vennootschap en rechtspersoon, en docent ondernemingsrecht aan het Departement Business Law van de Universiteit van Tilburg.

Carmen Verschuur-Buijssen
Carmen Verschuur-Buijssen is advocaat personen- en familierecht bij Asselbergs & Klinkhamer advocaten te Etten-Leur (voorheen rechterlijk ambtenaar in opleiding bij de rechtbank te Breda en docente contract- en aansprakelijkheidsrecht aan het Departement Privaatrecht van de Universiteit van Tilburg).

Verslag IACP congres

Trefwoorden collaborative divorce, collaborative law, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Auteurs drs. Ingeborg Sandig

    From 22 to 25 October 2009 the conference ‘Reflections and Visions: Celebrating Past, Present and Future’ was held in Minneapolis under the auspices of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Amongst the speakers were Daniel Shapiro focussing on emotions in negotiations, Gary Friedman dealing with self-reflection by collaborative professionals, and Jennifer Lerner discussing the role of emotions when taking decisions.

drs. Ingeborg Sandig
Ingeborg Sandig is NMI-gecertificeerd mediator, psycholoog NIP en Collaborative Law & Divorce Coach.

Bemiddeling en rechtspraak – hand in hand

Trefwoorden Belgian mediation act, European mediation directive
Auteurs Jef Mostinckx

    On Friday 23 October 2009 the seminar ‘Mediation and administration of justice’ was organised by the Belgian Federal Mediation Commission (Federale Bemiddelingscommissie), GEMME (Groupement Européens des Magistrats pour la Médiation) and Studipolis.The focus of this seminar was on the Belgian mediation act of 21 February 2005 and the European mediation directive of 21 May 2008.

Jef Mostinckx
Jef Mostinckx is ere-bestuursdirecteur, Departement Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur en vice-voorzitter Bijzondere Commissie Sociale Zaken, Federale Bemiddelingscommissie.

Enkele ervaringen met het verzorgen van een mediationtraining in Roemenië

Trefwoorden Roemenië, ontwikkeling, mediation
Auteurs Sjoerd Homminga

    In this report the author gives his personal impression of his involvement with the development of mediation in Rumania inter alia by training and educating aspirant mediators.

Sjoerd Homminga
Sjoerd Homminga is internationaal trainer en gecertificeerd mediator.