
Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid

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Aflevering 1, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Sophie van Bijsterveld
Prof. dr. S.C. van Bijsterveld is hoogleraar Religie, recht en samenleving aan de Radboud Universiteit en redacteur van het Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid.

Access_open Nederlandse moskeeën en moskeegemeenschappen in verandering

Trefwoorden moskeeën, veranderingsprocessen, moskeebestuur, salafisme
Auteurs Ineke Roex en Najib Tuzani

    This article reports several findings from a qualitative case study of six mosques in the Netherlands. In recent years, media, government, and society have paid increasing attention to their role, in part in relation to growing concerns of Salafist influences in the Dutch landscape. There are two major changes that can be witnessed. First, the role of the mosque as solely a religious institution is gradually shifting towards a broader interpretation. Second, there is a shift in the role of religious authority. These changes have the potential to create conflict.

Ineke Roex
Dr. K.M.H.D. Roex is cultureel antropoloog en hoofd onderzoek van Nuance door Training & Advies (NTA), een gespecialiseerd onderzoeks- en adviesbureau in het sociale veiligheidsdomein.

Najib Tuzani
N. Tuzani is theologisch deskundige, strategisch adviseur en algemeen directeur van NTA.

Homofobe en transfobe haatuitingen onder het IVBPR en EVRM

Ontwikkelingen en reflecties

Trefwoorden homofobe haatuitingen, lhbtiq-rechten, transfobe haatuitingen, vrijheid van meningsuiting, IVBPR en EVRM
Auteurs Jeroen Temperman

    This article investigates if and in what manner international human rights treaties provide a mandate for state parties to combat hateful homophobic and transphobic speech. It is concluded that under the ICCPR, the path to inclusive readings of its incitement provision is principally paved by state parties. The UN Human Rights Committee welcomes states’ going beyond the codified (Art. 20) prohibition grounds of ‘national, racial or religious hatred’, thus including such grounds as sexual orientation and gender identity. Within the regional context of the ECHR, it is the European Court of Human Rights that functions as a catalyst. In recent jurisprudence, the latter court has developed a positive duty to investigate instances of hateful homophobic speech. Under both regimes a similarly steadfast approach to combating transphobic speech cannot yet be detected.

Jeroen Temperman
Prof. J.D. Temperman is hoogleraar International Recht & Religie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en lid van het OSCE Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Levensbeschouwelijke vorming in het openbaar voortgezet onderwijs

Trefwoorden levensbeschouwelijke vorming, burgerschapsvorming, openbaar onderwijs, Schoolidentiteit
Auteurs Angelique Heijstek-Hofman, Marije van Amelsvoort en Monique van Dijk-Groeneboer

    Both in the new citizenship education law and the law on secondary education, it is stated that all schools must engage in worldview education. Also, the call for the broad development of young people is becoming louder. However, public secondary education does not give structural attention to worldview education. The goal of this article is to give an overview of the situation of worldview education in public secondary education based on content analysis research of school guides. An inventory is made of whether there are elements of worldview education present at public secondary schools.

Angelique Heijstek-Hofman
A. Heijstek-Hofman doet promotieonderzoek aan de Tilburg School of Catholic Theology van de Tilburg University op het gebied van levensbeschouwelijke vorming in het openbaar voortgezet onderwijs

Marije van Amelsvoort
Dr. M.A.A. van Amelsvoort is universitair docent aan de Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences en opleidingsdirecteur van de Universitaire Lerarenopleiding Tilburg.

Monique van Dijk-Groeneboer
Prof. dr. M.C.H. van Dijk-Groeneboer is hoogleraar Religieuze Educatie aan de Tilburg School of Catholic Theology.

Tussen stroomversnellingen en stagnatie

Politieke onderhandelingen over subsidies voor de bouw van kerken en moskeeën, 1954-1994

Trefwoorden financiële betrekkingen tussen overheid, kerk en religieuze organisaties, bouw van gebedshuizen, beleidsonderhandelingen, verhouding kerk en staat, kerken
Auteurs Leonard van ’t Hul

    Between 1964 and 1976, roughly the heydays of dechurching in the Netherlands, the Dutch government contributed to the construction of 788 church buildings and one mosque through the Church Building Premium Act. After 1976, however, there was no longer any political basis for similar support of religious newcomers – apart from a few temporary subsidies to specific Muslim communities. In this article I argue that to understand developments in Dutch church-state relations it is not enough to study cultural-ideological shifts as visible in in media-outlets and parliamentary deliberations. The case of direct funding for houses of worship illustrates that dynamics of church and state relations can only fully assessed by delving into the politico-institutional context in which policy deliberations took place. This shows that political decisions about policies on religious accommodation were highly influenced by the way the trajectory of decision making was organized. Both the amount of access of faith-based organisations to the negotiation tables and the extent to which policy-debates were linked to or decoupled from concurrent policy issues mattered greatly for the outcome of policy deliberations.

Leonard van ’t Hul
Dr. W.L. van ’t Hul is socioloog en historicus. Hij werkt als onderzoeker bij het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau en doet daar onderzoek naar representatie en vertrouwen. Eind 2020 promoveerde hij aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op het proefschrift Besloten. Politieke onderhandelingen tussen de Nederlandse overheid en religieuze organisaties, 1946-1996.

Adoptie als alternatief voor abortus

Waarom niet of … wel?

Trefwoorden abortus, adoptie, wetgeving, alternatieven, het ongeboren kind
Auteurs Patrick Garré

    Belgium and the Netherlands legalized voluntary termination of pregnancy a few decades ago under certain conditions. In both legislations the abortion doctor must also investigate whether other possibilities exist to meet the woman’s request for help. In this contribution the author examines to what extent adoption can be a reasonable alternative to an abortion. It appears that adoption is often not considered in the abortion request, with the result that opportunities are lost for the woman, the unborn child and society to avoid a termination of pregnancy after all.

Patrick Garré
Mr. P.L. Garré is een Belgische jurist en economist bij de Belgische Federale Overheidsdienst Sociale Zekerheid, gespecialiseerd in vrijwilligerswetgeving en vakantiewetgeving. Daarnaast heeft hij een bijzondere interesse in de juridische aspecten op het vlak van abortus- en euthanasiewetgeving.

Access_open Cultuurchristendom in de strijd tegen modern gnosticisme (deel 2)

Een alternatieve visie op het huidige populisme

Trefwoorden cultuurchristendom, gnosticisme, populisme, voegelin
Auteurs Hans van de Breevaart

    This article tries to show how populism is taking issue with the Gnostic tendency in present-day politics Eric Voegelin had been identifying as ‘the immanentization of the eschaton’. According to populists modern Gnosticism is trying to realize the eschaton at the expense of one or more elements of reality that, according to Voegelin, had been identified in Christian culture during the course of its history, namely God and cosmos, society and men. This article elaborates on this argument by indicating how populists are used to positioning themselves over against Gnostics in the political debates on gender, immigration, climate change and the European Union.

Hans van de Breevaart
Dr. J.O. van de Breevaart is historicus en godsdienstwetenschapper. Momenteel is hij verbonden aan het Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor de SGP. Van zijn hand verscheen zeer onlangs Threat or Opportunity? A Christian View on Populism in Europe, geschreven in opdracht van Sallux, denktank van de European Christian Political Movement.