Dr. mr. Tobias Arnoldussen
Tobias Arnoldussen is universitair docent Rechtstheorie aan de Universiteit van Tilburg en verbonden aan het department ‘public law and governance’.

dr. mr. Danielle Chevalier
Danielle Chevalier is universitair docent Recht en Samenleving aan de Universiteit Leiden en verbonden aan het Van Vollenhoven Instituut voor Recht, Bestuur en Samenleving.
  • Samenvatting

      The Environment and Planning Act (EPA), which will enter into force in 2021, has been called the most influential legislative reform in the Netherlands since World War II. This article forms the introduction to a special issue devoted to the EPA, in which scholars from various disciplines reflect on the societal and legal ramifications of this new act. The authors introduce the different articles but also offer their perspective on the emergence of this new field of research. Socio-legal research into such a vast new regulatory field benefits from the application of multiple perspectives and different research methods. Conspicuously, the authors of the various articles differ on how to assess the new regulation of Dutch spatial planning. Some are pessimistic, others strike a more optimistic note. In this introduction two more perspectives on the law are offered. The perspective of prefigurative law (Davina Cooper) embodies the more optimistic view, whilst the perspective of outsourced law (Pauline Westerman) sides with the pessimists.

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